The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 5

The robes were beautiful. White with black trimmings that looked like flames. Leather straps all around the torso and shoulders. And a simple belt that slanted down to the left.
I stared at myself, grinning foolishly through the hood. Twirling around and feeling the robes trail behind. I stopped to look at the crowd of students.

Many of the others had returned from the trials. Some in better shape than others. Some were pale, and stricken from there own fears. Others were just as joyous as me. Suddenly I remember one simple detail, that made me panic. Still no sign of Amelia. Had she failed? I started to pace and bite my bottom lip with my arms crossed. She couldn’t have taken this long?

The oak doors snapped open, and Amelia was being lead through by two Shattered Domens. Both worry and happiness swelled up inside me. I ran over and wrapped her arm around my neck and supported her. Helping her to the seat.
“So… how’d it go?” I asked cheekily. She shot a glare up at me. Which slowly turned into a smile. Then a burst of laughter.
“Could have gone a lot better,” she giggled. “Wow I like those robes!” she said as she felt the material between her thumb and index finger. “Do I get those too?” I nodded. Her eyes lit up, and she stood up immediately, holding out her arms to balance herself. She smiled once more and waved her hand over herself. She glowed momentarily and swiftly rushed to the changing rooms. I shook my head at her excitement, but I had to agree these robes were amazing.

A few moments later she ran out and twirled also. Showing off her new robes, her long hair whirled about. The trimmings shimmered in the light. I was just about to speak when,

“Silence please!” Gortug shouted from the front of the receiving chamber. A pool of silver liquid glimmered in the center of the room and we all came to stand in a semi-circle around it, facing Gortug. “Since Haden Crosslire was the first to pass, he shall be the first to ascend.” What!? What’s the ascension? I started to get flustered. They never told us about an ascension.
Gortug gestured towards the pool of silver. “Haden. Please step into the pool of ascension.” I took one step forward. My arms started to shake in fear. What’s going to happen to me? I slowly dipped the end of my boot into the pool.

The silver started to crawl up my leg, covering every piece of flesh possible. I tried to pull away. It was to strong. It got higher and higher. It was extremely cold. I was about to scream when it yanked me under, my eyes widened in shock. I tried to struggle. Fighting. Clobbering the silver liquid. When all of a sudden. I stopped.

A chanting echoed and whispered around my head. I was started to be lifted up. Now above the liquid but still covered in it, floating. A pale blue light was swirling around the room and the other students were watching in amazement. I flopped my head back and tried to scream once more. Instead of my shrilled voice a stream of light busted out of my mouth and eyes. The energy flowing through me. I felt powerful.

An explosion of light filled the room. And I collapsed on the stone floor. Steam rolling off my back. I had a sudden urge to take off my shoes. And be physically in contact with the earth beneath my feet. I could feel the full flow of magic!

It was a feeling of pure beauty. I tear rolled down my cheek and dropped onto the floor. Shimmering with light as it fell. I had ascended.
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Kinda surreal don'tcha think? I hope so because this isn't exactly realistic is it? The problem is trying to make it sound surreal but real at the same time ya see?
Ah well. Comment anyway.
Love AngelOfBlood