The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 6

“Ryian Pletchie, you may go.” Gortug voice sounded in my ears. A tall boy who happened to be one out of the only five pure humans. He rolled his eyes at the panic-stricken girl, just like a human, that struggled to get up after the ascension. Her attempts were pointless, and she fell asleep on the cold stone floor. It seemed to make everyone very sleepy.

When he dipped his foot in, he screamed loudly like he was in great pain. He was lifted into the air like the others, and dropped to the floor. Where he too made a great effort to get up, somehow he pushed his body up and headed for the chairs. I looked back at the silver, and felt deeply entranced. I did not notice how many students went, and I do not think that there was anyway to look away.

I watched another student, go into the shimmering pool of silver liquid. It had to be one of the most beautiful events that would ever pass by. I was spellbound, never looking away for one second. Blinking occasionally. Gradually, I moved closer every time someone else went. Soon my name was called.

“Amelia Stitch,” Gortug said. Without looking up, I walked towards it.

A small smile graced my face, I closed my eyes and stepped in. I felt in place, as the substance traveled up my body. Almost abruptly I was a whole, nothing could stop me. I pursed my lips, tightly. Although it was meaningless, because soon enough light spread from my body, eager to get away. I opened my eyes, and felt myself being let go. I put my arms out in front of me to block out the fall.

My magic altered slightly, but suddenly kicked into overdrive becoming exceedingly powerful. The ground was soft when I came into contact with it. As if it had been charmed. I sighed happily, and pushed my self off the floor lazily. I stumbled over to the chairs, they had and collapsed into it, sitting next to Haden who was trying desperately to keep his eyes open. My vision blurred slightly from the dark fatigue that conquered my body and my head collapsed on Haden’s shoulder. And I passed out.
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Well strange as it seems this chapter is way too short. i do not know what the heck happened. Anyways, comments, concerns?