The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 7

I woke up in my chamber. Light filled the room as I lightly stroke my chest with my finger. I take a deep breath and let it go with a sigh.
I pulled the sheets off me and jumped out of bed. I reached out to my robes on the chair with my hand and they flew towards me. I slip them on and wave my hand over my bed. The silken sheets tidy themselves.
I forget about my shoes. It feels better this way. I’m practically skipping down the concrete hallway. I couldn’t believe I had passed!

I passed a wooden door that was slightly open. I backed up cautiously and peered inside.
“There’re even less this year.”
“I know. I know.”
“I’m telling you we are not going to have enough for what lies ahead.”
“We have plenty. Just allow me to do the worrying please…”
“But Gortug!”
“Silence! Enough. We are not alone anymore,” Gortug said, and the door I was standing outside of, creaked open.
“Ah, Haden. Not wearing any shoes I see. Marvelous! You really feel it don’t you?” he asked cheerfully
“Yes your grace.”
“Now, now Haden. I am no longer your master. We are now colleagues, are we not?”
“Yes your grace, but you are still my superior.”
“Please, just call me Gortug. Now off to the hall. I’ll be announcing your first assignments as Amacan’s!” assignments!? I bubbled up with joy and a grin spread across my face as I left the room. I still lingered on the thought of what I had overheard. Enough for what?

The hall was filled with the mumbles and excited chatter of the other graduates. I walked over to Amelia who was conjuring blue orbs of light to swirl around her hand and finger tips. Making them dance.
“Having fun?” I asked
“Oh yeah” she replied happily. It would seem that the ascension awakened the true source of magic with in us. Unblocked the flow. We could use magic before but not as easily as this. Gortug shouted
“Silence!” and the blue orbs faded away. “Ah, thank you. I am here to announce your first assignments as Amacans!” everyone cheered at the prospect of being fully fledged Amacans. A smile crept across Gortug’s face. “You will all be split up. Transported to an area we feel you’d be best in. You Amacans are to find your preferred materials, ingredients, objects and whatever else you may need to build your own staff’s!” we cheered again. “Your staff is the most important piece of equipment you will ever carry. It will be an extension of yourself. It will be linked to your mind and soul. It is your weapon, your defense, your offence and whatever you want it to be! Now go! Go to the transportation bay on the east wing of the fortress and go on your first adventure!” Everyone cheered once more and left the hall. I grew excited at the idea of my own staff. I pictured myself posing as a great Amacan, fighting off hordes of enemies. Invincible with my staff by my side!
“This is so exciting” Amelia squealed, probably picturing the same thing.

The transportation bay was probably the second biggest part of the Amacan stronghold. Random beast’s running around everywhere. Carrying packages, boxes and letters. A few words of wisdom echoed through my head ‘use your instincts’.
I stepped out in front of the crowd of graduates wondering what to do. I placed my thumb and index finger in my mouth and blew. A high pitched whistle streamed out. A lions roar replied in response. I twirled around searching the area. I listened to the hard beating of feathered wings. I stared in pride as the Lionasus landed with padded paws. Others watched in awe. I walked up to it slowly. Slightly nervous. I placed my palm on it’s forehead. The golden fur felt soft and it’s ember eyes were filled with a couragous spirit. Its dark brown wings were sights of benevolence. And its extremely long tail swayed from left to right.
‘do you know where I am supposed to go?’ I whispered through my mind. It roared in reply.
“I’ll take that as a yes” I chuckled. I cautiously seated myself comfortably on its muscular back and gripped hold of its oak-colored mane. And it took off with a powerful beat of its wings. I smiled as the air rushed past my face and waved as the other students cheered and whistled. I didn’t look back to see what happened.

Flying was amazing. The air rushed past. I felt free. I slowly let go and put my arms up. Gripping with my legs. I thought I noticed a smile from the side of the Lionasus’ face and it tucked its wings in and dived. I screamed and lent forward gripping its mane once again.
‘That was not funny’ I messaged, my hearts beating fast. I think he thought it was funny, a certain something changes when he changed emotions. I couldn’t think of what it was.

We landed in a big rainforest. So this is where I am at my best? I felt it. I outstretched my arms and breathed in the living energy of everything around me. I felt energized. Powerful. I walked through the wild uncut grass, placing my hand on the trees as I go. Feeling them breathe.

I parted the grass with my hands and saw the first material I needed. ‘Use your instincts’. A white stag, it was glowing. It’s horn was the thing I was after. White stag horns have good magical properties not to mention tough to break. Once the horn is broken off, it takes a few days for it to grow a new one. Many have wondered why white stags have the ability to regenerate near enough anything the lose.

It was grazing. Nibbling at the smaller blades of grass. Amacan code states that we are not to kill a defenseless animal. Beasts seem to recognize this fact and are rarely hostile or afraid of us. Animals can see in a whole different spectrum unknown to us. They can tell the intentions of a living being, they can tell who they are, and some people believe that they can even look into the future of that living organism. I find these creatures extremely fascinating.

I walk slowly over to it. It glances up casually, then returns to grazing. I placed my hand on its forehead and reach out to its mind with my own.
‘Sleep’ I commanded. And sure enough. It knelt down, then fell on it’s side, and fell into a deep slumber.
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So what you think? longer than the last chapter but still not long enough eh?
well i guess we'll have to work on that a bit but don't worry, our chapter do get longer! promise!