The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 8

I smiled as I saw Haden ride off to create his staff. I looked around for something, anything that would cause a sense of Déjà vu, it was the only way I would know where to start. I started wandering around unconscious of my surroundings. I was surprised when I wound up in a dimly lit hall, with old photographs of previous Amacans. My footsteps echoed softly. I traced my mouth absentmindedly.

“Ouch,” The word slipped from my mouth unexpectedly as I knocked into someone. I stumbled back a little. I straightened out and dusted off my stomach down to my thighs.

“Terribly sorry, Miss.” I looked up at the abnormally tall boy in front of me.

“No it was my fault I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I said smiling, I looked around confused at my new environment, how could I possibly have made it so far away from the small hall, “Could you possibly tell me where it is, that I am?” I asked as he raked a hand through his unnaturally messy hair. I pulled down on the belt the hung loosely to the side.

“Oh, you’re new here, I should have know. I will take you back to the transportation bay,” he said heading toward the nearest exit. I nodded and followed behind him. He casually slowed down and caught with my pace. I looked up at him, my eyes narrowed. For an unknown reason he seemed vaguely familiar, though I could not trace why. I pushed back the small pieces of hair that could not fit into my tight bun. Slowly I started to notice where I was. It was a quiet walk, and I looked about watching for anything I could use, there had to be a reason I ended up here. I sniffed, and let out a loud cough. Whatever was around here smelt.
“Fairmaid,” the boy said silently gagging in response to the smell. He pointed towards a small bowl on a pedestal. I quickly walked up to it breathing through my mouth. I grabbed a hand full and zipped it up into a pouch. He suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me into the right direction. Fairmaid seemed to be the first thing I needed. A smile twitched at my lips.

“I’m Scott by the way,” he said, winking at me. I blinked back in disbelief. I smiled falsely, forgetting my duty to find supplies.

“Right, I go by Amelia.” I averted my attention to the upcoming door. He twisted the handle, and walked in. The door began to close quickly I stopped with my fingers and yanked it open, the only thing I could think about was how rude he was.

“Amelia?” Someone question. Gortug. I looked at him smiling apologetically. “No worries dear, hop up here,” he said gesturing to the large, black stallion behind him. I walked over quickly, not bothering with the over grown boy I just met. I pushed my body up and sat on the steed’s back. Just as I was about to push him forward, Scott’s annoying voice came to life.

“I’ll see you around, Amelia,” His voice was obnoxiously flirtatious. I scowled disgusted. Before I had thought no one could be that forward, I was feeling sick to my stomach. The horse sensed my uneasiness, and sprang into the air, willingly. When we were just about to land back on the gray stoned floor, he leaped again, sending us higher into the air. We were up in the clouds now, and I let him drift. The air was damp from the water collected in the haze. It stuck to my face, and I wiped it away gingerly.

“What’s your name boy?” I asked, as I stroked the horses beautiful charcoal mane, it felt like velvet in my fingers.
“Keith,” he replied, I jumped slightly not expecting an answer.
“You talk?”
“No, this is your conscious. Yes I can talk,” he replied sarcastically. I giggled, and he let out a throaty laugh.
“I was not expecting that, so you know where I am suppose to go?” I asked, he lowered his head numerous times, in response. We flew in the clouds for longer than I expected, and Keith showed no signs of going down. “How long is going to take to get there.” I asked, trying to see through the thick clouds.

“Until you figure out, why we are up here in the first place.” he said I could hear a smile in his voice. What? Was that suppose to be a hint? Gortug had said that we could not ask anyone else what the ingredients for our staffs. Keith was probably informed about this tidbit of information. I racked my brain for something that I could take from this almost empty place. Air? No I could find that anywhere. Clouds? No! Not the clouds the water from it! I balled my hand into a fist, then flicked it open. A small jar was now in the center of my hand. The air moved quickly around us. Quickly I held the jars’ opening in the direction we were headed, when I brought it back up to see if anything had happened, it was filled of rainbow colored water. I punched my hand in the air, in victory, before Keith swooped down. I was eager to find the next thing I would need. We headed for land.
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Hey!! Natasha here, I am terribly sorry for not updating I totally forgot. Comments? Concerns? Anything?