The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 9

Haden’s Point Of View

The horn was particularly tricky to get off. And I am thankful that it could not feel anything. I slowly sawed it off with a tiny blade of pure energy. I placed the horn in the humble-brown bag I had slung over my arm.
“Two more ingredients,” I said to myself.
A loud screech erupted from the decadent silence around me. And the various birds flapped loudly in fear as they fled the trees. Other land-based creatures sped past my feet. I was beginning to feel the fear myself. I followed the screech. And soon started to hear the crackle of energy. I saw the huge silhouette in the distance and crept up, hiding behind a tree.
“You will give me what I want beast!” a man shouted in a gruff voice. I peeked from out of the tree, and saw him. Sheathed in a black hood, with red trimmings in a pattern much like my own. Umacun. A series of spell casters, bent on overthrowing Amacan’s. Countless wars have been fought and even more deaths have been made thanks to them. Through brute force and power they have unlocked secrets to magic that rival our own sorcery.
“Give me your tail, foul demon of the earth!” he shouted as he reached out telekinetically and threw the seven headed hydra around. His fingers curled as he gripped and skidded it across the floor. Hydra’s are formidable and feared creatures. If you chop one head off, two more grow in its place. And their tails are not only magically potent, they are the Hydra’s life force and fetch a hefty price on the black market.

I have to help it somehow. I slump to the floor, cross-legged behind the tree. I reached out to the trees and started to whisper and weave magic. The trees groaned, and creaked in response. I became alert to the fact that it had gone quiet.
“You can’t hide from me Amacan!” he chuckled. The trees creaked louder. “Do you always have to be connected with nature? Makes you so weak.” A tree bent down and swiped. He hopped over it sluggishly. “You do realize that once a connection is made. You feel its pain!” he shouted as he sent a ball of fire hurtling at the tree. The tree moaned and a wave of pain tingled over my body. As if I was the one that was burnt.
“And you realize that your anger makes you clouded!” I shouted as I released the connection to the trees and blasted a bright energy from my hands. It shimmered blue as it pulsed through his body and he flew back, skidding along the dirt. I stood defensively in front of the Hydra. “You will not harm this creature any more!” I declared as I reached out to the energy around me, sucking it in. I felt as if all the creatures in the forest were watching this. I felt nervous. I felt lucky that my hood shielded my face from view. I was filled with fear.
“You’re afraid of little old me?” he chuckled as he got up. Master’s in psychological warfare, Umacun’s train especially in reading thoughts and emotions. It gives them that edge when in battle.
“Leave. And you shall be with out harm,” I warned, bracing myself. Thinking of thousands of spells and magic I could do. He bowed courteously and said
“Until next time Amacan. I’ll let you go for now. But if our paths cross again, and they will, I will not be so merciful.” He whistled and jumped up. A scaly reptilian beast swooped underneath him and carried him away. Dragon.

I took a deep sigh of relief as I felt his presence leave. The Hydra writhed in pain as blood leaked from its body. Unfortunately for Hydra’s they have thin blood. It doesn’t clot as quickly as a human’s or elf’s.
I placed my hand on it’s body, and channeled the energy into it. An orb of light blue formed in my hand and crawled in between it’s purple scales, healing as it went. Eventually it seemed that every inch of its body was outlined in light. It seemed to glow. The light faded and it’s cuts were no more. It got up slowly and looked around. Sensing no danger it bounded through the forest, it’s tail whipping as it went. The ground shook slightly every time it landed.

I may have not found the second ingredient needed, but at least I can camp with a good heart and will. I was still slightly haunted by my encounter with the Umacun. I was not a novice in mental manipulation, but he seemed to see right through my defenses and protection. This disturbed me greatly.

I gathered dry sticks and leaves. Waving my hand over them it set alight, providing warmth and light as the sun faded into the distance and the stars shone. I lay down next to the fire, staring into its hypnotizing gaze. My eyes felt heavy. I drifted off in to a deep sleep.
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What did you guys think? sorry it was not a tad more descriptive. But advice etc is always appreciated so get commenting