Dude... Are You Stalking Me?

Lost and Found

Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own My Chemical Romance. If I did.. Well, let’s just say the band would spend all their free time rendering services exclusively to me, not to be mentioned by the light of day. Take their gratitude as a cue to forget what you read here.

Chapter Four: Lost and Found

Professor Ang held the door with one foot as Rita exited behind him. It was Friday, and because she had skipped work the day before she was exempt from tending bar at the private party hosted by the owner of the bar where she worked. Well, not as much exempt as forbidden. Either way, she had a three-day weekend so far as work was concerned. Still, her good mood was somewhat dampened by the loss of her long-cherished sketchbook.

“Well, when was the last time you had it?”

Rita sighed and fell into step beside her teacher.

“I don’t know. I was in a rush to get home, and ran into this guy on the subway when I was running for the train. We both dropped our bags, some of our stuff fell out.. I dunno, maybe he got it mixed up with one of his books and took it home with him.”

“Well if that’s the case, I’m sure he’ll bring it back. You did write your name and address on the inside cover, no?”

Rita’s frown deepened and she shook her head softly.

“No, actually. I was always so careful with it, I never felt the need. I have my name in there, but no contact information.”

Professor Ang rested a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder as he pushed Starbucks’ glass door open and guided her inside.

“It will turn up, Rita. Best not to dwell on it.”

She sighed and said nothing.

Rita followed her teacher and tentative almost-friend to the counter and gave her order to the smiling girl in the visor. Professor Ang did the same. When the girl returned with their drinks, the tall man paid for both before Rita could even get her hand on her wallet.

“Lee, you don’t have to--” She started to protest, but he cut her off as he handed her a steaming cup of french vanilla.

“I know.”

They took a table by the window, not far from where she and Gerard had been sitting the day before. They talked about art (hers for the most part, and how she could improve greatly in a short amount of time if she practiced more), class and various other topics while they drained their cups. Although Rita held up her end of the conversation, her mind soon wandered to her lost book. She had bought a new one to replace it, but had yet to draw anything in it.

It’s a nice book, she thought as her eyes brushed the black canvas cover. Although she hadn’t begun to fill it yet, she had at least decorated the cover. In large silver letters she had written “Poison” and under it, sketched a rather detailed picture of a heart being pierced by one of Cupid’s arrows in gold ink. The heart bled heavily, and there was a growing pool under it. There was a two-toned gold and silver “&” under the picture, and under that was written “Kerosine” in gold. There was also a sketch beneath it. In silver ink was depicted a single rose. Around its stem was tied a ribbon, and what appeared to be blood dripped from the leaves and thorns. It’s big, and new and... She opened to the first page and sighed. And not the same.

She stared down at the blank page listlessly for a moment before reaching for her automatic pencil.

Well, gotta do it some time. She reasoned silently and touched the pencil tip to paper. It was remarkable, how she was so intent on filling the page and yet, never missed a beat where the conversation was concerned. Soon she laid down her pencil and looked down into the book with satisfaction. It was a simple piece, but spoke volumes of her personality. On the page was a paper cup of Starbucks coffee, complete with logo. It was perfect in every way; it almost seemed as though one could reach into the page and pick it up. Underneath the cup was written in Rita’s version of calligraphy (which was, in reality, simply extremely curly script) “Beautiful Venom.”

With a satisfied smirk, the girl drained her cup. Seeing this, her companion stood. She followed suit as she slipped the book into her satchel.

“Well I see your loss has done nothing to hinder your practice.”

Rita blinked, then rolled her eyes.

“It figures. You can’t stop being a teacher for even half an hour, can you Lee.”

He gave her a look of long suffering patience and opened the door.

“So tell me about this sketch, the one you did before your book grew legs and wandered off.”

She smirked despite herself and followed Ang Lee-Hung out the door.

“Actually, it’s an interesting story--”

“Really? I like interesting stories,” came a voice to her left. Rita turned to see Gerard walking up with a milkshake in one hand and a leather portfolio (much nicer than her old canvas counterpart) slung over his shoulder. He smiled at the surprise on Rita’s face, and she knew his eyes were sparkling behind his large black shades.

“You already know this one,” she replied with a smirk and turned to Lee-Hung. “Sorry, I’m being rude. This is–-”

“Gerard Way. Long has it been since you darkened my doorway.”

Lee-Hung was smiling broadly as he clapped a hand on Gerard’s shoulder. Gerard’s own smile broadened a bit.

“Hey, Professor. Do you always take students on dates so close to work?”

Rita’s eyes were wide with confusion and surprise as she watched this exchange, but not a word registered in her mind, save two.

“Wait, wait, wait,” she interrupted and all eyes were on her. She raised a quizzical brow and stared levelly at Gerard. “Are you telling me, that your last name... is Way?”

He laughed and brushed some of his inky hair back out of his face. It was a futile action as the wind swept it right back a moment later.

“Yeah. Way.”

Rita grinned devilishly.

“No way,”

He laughed again and shook his head incredulously.

“You know, that has to be the worst joke I’ve ever heard.”

She beamed at him through the dark lenses of her shades.

“I try.” He grinned as she turned back to her coffee companion. “So Gerard was one of your students?”

Lee-Hung nodded and adjusted the sleeve of his trench coat. He raised an eyebrow in Gerard’s direction; his smile never faltered.

“One of my best. His style is one I’ve never seen before, he never failed to impress me.”

Gerard smiled and looked down at his scuffed leather boots. Rita smiled in admiration and took the opportunity to study him. He was dressed slightly different today, she noticed. In place of the black pea coat she had begun to associate with him was a worn black leather jacket. She knew he must be cold, but as usual it was open. A black hoodie replaced his usual black t-shirt, but the worn jeans were still there. This particular pair were ripped in several places, and each hole seemed to have been sewn up several times over. There was a particularly large hole in the left knee, and this one had no evidence of attempted repair.

Lee-Hung glanced at his watch and frowned.

“As much as I’m enjoying this reunion, I must be off. Rita, good luck finding your book. Gerard,” He smiled again. “Good seeing you.” With a bit of a salute, he was gone.

Rita watched him sprint off in the opposite direction then turned her attention back to her shy companion. He had raised his gaze again, so he was fully receptive of Rita’s smile.

“Nice jeans,” she complimented sincerely and he grinned as he struck a pose.

“I know, don’t I look beau-tiful?” He stuck his tongue out at Rita’s laughter and shrugged. “They’re my favorite.”

“They look comfortable,” He smirked as she eyed them again. “Actually, I have a pair a lot like those.”

Gerard grinned as he un-zipped his portfolio and reached inside.

“I almost forgot, I have a present for you.”

Rita blinked and her smile faltered slightly. A present? He had got her a present? That couldn’t be appropriate, they had just met the day before...

Gerard’s grin only grew as he took in her puzzled expression. It seemed, appropriate or no, he was intent on giving her whatever it was he had.

“Close your eyes.” he commanded. Rita raised an eyebrow, which he was quickly recognizing to be her trademark. After a moment he realized that with her dark shades, he couldn’t see her eyes anyway. “Oh.” He reached over and plucked them deftly from her nose, easily ignoring her protests. “Now close them.” Not only did her eyes remain open, but she was now staring at him in such a way that Gerard largely suspected she thought he was crazy. “Come on!” he laughed and reached over with his left hand (milkshake still firmly in place) to close her lids with his index finger.

“Ah, what are you–-! Okay, okay!” Rita laughed as she playfully batted his hand away. “I’ll close my eyes! Shit, just poke ‘em out, why don’t you,” She favored him with a smile before she obediently closed her eyes. She peeked one eye open, only to have Gerard silently threaten her with a wiggle of his index finger, and she quickly closed it again with a giggle.

“Okay, now hold out your hands.”

Rita obeyed without protest this time, and a moment later she felt the solid weight of what felt like a book against her palms.

“Okay. You can open your eyes now.”

Gerard sounded both expectant and pleased with himself; her interest wouldn’t allow her to hesitate. Without further ado, Rita opened her eyes, looked down at her hands... and gaped. Across the scuffed black canvas was written “Lie Me An Alibi” in faded silver ink. Roses bloomed from the vines that bordered the four edges of the cover and her own signature graced the lower right-hand corner.

“This.. My... how...”

Although she didn’t look at him, the smile was evident in Gerard’s voice.

“You left it on the table yesterday.”

Finally Rita looked up from the book in her hands. Her expression was one of incredulity, and for a moment Gerard was sure she would yell at him. But then, before he knew what had happened, she launched herself at him and trapped him in an intense bear-hug.

“Thank you, thank you thank you...” she muttered over and over, her cheek pressed tightly against his. She could feel a slight stubble where she brushed his chin, but it didn’t bother her. In fact, she found she liked it. His scent was pleasant, comforting; a curious mixture of coffee and oil paints. His hair was like silk where it brushed against her neck, and Rita found she was reluctant to let go. After a moment Gerard seemed to come to his senses and returned the hug, although not quite as enthusiastically.

“Hey, it’s no problem,” he laughed. His hands brushed her long hair, and he was surprised at how soft it was. “Like, what are friends for, right?” Without realizing it he breathed in her scent; coffee and warm spices. The three silver hoops in her right ear pressed against his jaw (as he was about two inches taller than she) and he could feel the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Rita pulled back out of the hug to look Gerard in the face, and he was surprised to find he regretted the loss of contact. After a moment she smiled.

“Looks like I owe you two,” she stated softly and stepped back.

Gerard blinked.

“Huh?” he said, rather succinctly. Rita laughed as she grabbed his hand and began pulling him down the street.

“Come on.”

“Where are we going?” Gerard inquired, though he allowed himself to be dragged. His friend was silent for a moment, and he thought she wasn’t going to reply when she said in a cryptic voice,

“You’ll see.” He didn’t need to look at her to know she was smiling.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the mix up with chapter 3. I'll put up an extra chapter in apology.