When He's Your Dad Not Everything Goes Right


Here I am. Sitting in my room staring at the ceiling,waiting for him to come. Wonder who him is? That is a question that has yet to be answered. I have not seen him since I was 5 and I can't remember those days. The only information I know is that he's my dad. But my mom failed to tell me his name.

Well,I should probably introduce myself. I'm Kayla. Kay does just fine, though.
I have long,black hair and dark brown eyes. Everyone says they want them but I don't see why. Out of all the colors to chose,they want mine.
I love music. Music is my life. Without it, I would be a musicless person. I love Green Day and My Chemical Romance. Two favorite bands to be exact. I'm also very sarcastic. That's probably what helps get me through everything.

''Kay,honey. He's here.'' my mom called into my room.

''Mind telling me who 'he' is?'' I asked walking out into the hall.

''Just wait. It's not the end of the world.'' she said.

''For me it is.'' I mumbled and jumped off the bottom step. I loved doing that. It made the house shake.

''Kay, could you not do that for once?'' mom asked.

''But I like doing that.'' I answered.

''Just like me.'' I looked over and saw my idol,standing in the living room,laughing. What the hell. Why is Billie Joe in my house?

''Holy SHIT! MOM, why is God here?'' I walked into the kitchen.

''That's the surprise.'' she said back laughing.

''What about my dad coming?''

''He is your dad.''

''What the..?'' I walked back into the living room and watched him looking at the pictures on the table. He couldn't be my dad. This must be some joke. I walked over to him and just stood there. My mind was totally blank. How could the one of the best guitarist in the world be in my house?

''Um....mom told me you're my dad.'' I said shakily.

''Yep. Wow you've changed.'' he said looking at my clothes.

''Yeah. I liked looking more like you, then my mom.'' I laughed. Don't get me wrong. I loved my mom. She was the best. But she wore tight skirts and heels and skimpy clothes. She said she wished I could dress a little more like her then my dad (who I would have never guessed would be my idol). But I was always more of the punk type.

''So are we gonna go or wait for Tre` to rot in the car?'' He asked.

''Where are we going?''

''You're living with me.'' He answered simply.

''MOM!'' I yelled walking to the kitchen bar.


''Why am I moving with Billie Joe?'' I asked.

''Becuase. I got a promtion in Maine and I couldn't just move you from your school here. So Billie agreed to keep you.''

''When are you leaving?''


''But mom. You can't just leave me. I love you.'' I said.

''I know. I love you too. But I need this job. You have to understand.''

''No, I understand. You don't want me anymore. So you're just handing me off to the nearest family member so I can be out of your life.''

''No. I lo-''

''Save it mom.'' I rushed over to Billie and grabbed my bags (that were already packed by my so called mother).

''We can go now. Don't want Tre` to rot.'' I said covering up the fact that I was being abandoned by my own mother. We walked over to the doorway, even though I wished I could run, and then Billie stopped.

''Don't you want to say goodbye first?'' He asked.

''No. I don't matter to her anymore.'' I answered. I pushed him out the door and we got into his BMW and drove to my new home. Where I would have to start a new life. Without my mom.