When He's Your Dad Not Everything Goes Right


I walked into the house,my shoulders weighing over to one side from the heavy baggege. As soon as I got through the door I dropped my bags. But Billie Joe,not noticing, tripped over them and landed on his butt.

''Oww, my ass!'' he said rubbing his butt.

''Billie Joe Armstrong. Watch your language.'' Someone said walking down the stairs.

''Sorry mother.'' he got up laughing. ''Hey Kayla. I want you to meet Adi.'' He said,motioning to the woman standing next to him.

''Hi.'' i shook the hand she was holding out.

''Billie told me all about you. He sounded really excited to take you.'' she said.

''Really? I didn't notice.'' I said laughing at Billie, who was all red.

''O.k. enough of the small talk. Kayla, you can go up to your room. It's the third on the right. And feel free to walk in on Joey and Jakob.'' Billie laughed and handed me my bags and I walked up the stairs. As I passed a room I heard shooting and cheers. I figured that was either Joey's or Jakob's room. I finally saw my room and opened the door. The room was average size with two windows and white walls. I walked in and dropped my bags on the floor. I was really tired sop I laid down on the bed to try and take a quick nap. Then I heard the door open.

''Is she awake?'' someone asked.

''Why don't you go see sherlock.'' the other person answered.

I thought about this and laughed. I kept my eyes closed tight and made snoring noises. I could feel someone walking up to me and looking me straight in the face. I quickly opened my eyes and grabbed the person, holding them by the waist. I started to tickle him and I heard screams of laughter.

''Le-let m-me g-goooo!'' Jakob laughed.

''Not untill you give me ye booty.'' I said in a pirate tone.

''You already have it.'' he said back.

''Oh, o.k. You can go.'' I let him go and he ran to the door.

''Joey, you are in so much trouble!'' he yelled.

I laid on my bed and thought. Wow, they are my brothers. Joey and Jakob Armstrong. As I settled down my mind wondered off to other things. Like how did I get this lucky, what are we going to do tomarrow and was my mom thinking about me.