When He's Your Dad Not Everything Goes Right


It has been a week since I first started living here and I love it. Joey and Jakob are like the brothers I never had, literally, and Adi is really nice. But me and Billie have't been spending a lot of time together. I keep telling myself it will get better, but will it?

I walked downstairs and poured me a bowl of ceral when I noticed Billie reading the newspaper. It said 'Billie found to have new daughter'. How the hell did they know? I had only been out of the house 2 days to go to the grocery store. I still,I had styed in the car. Now I know how it feels.

''I hate poprazzi. They never know when to get out of your face.'' I said sittting down next to him.

''Yeah,I know.'' he sipped his coffee.

''Mike and Tre` are coming over today.'' he added.

''Cool. I've got some new tricks I wanna show Tre`.'' Now I should tell you that, of course, I play drums. Ever since I heard Green Day, I wanted to play like Tre`. So for my 14th birthday, my mom gave me a full drum set since I only had half to begin with. I took private leasons,but they didn't work so I watch Tre` and picked up a lot.

''Just don't get too excited.'' Billie said.

''Why? Isn't that what great drummers do?'' I asked.

''Yeah,but when you were little,Tre` came over to try and teach you to play drums. After of course a long conversation of weither to teach you bass or drums. Well, Tre` got out of hand and crashed into the drumset, so we had to dig him out. Well, after some time we found you down there to. Under all that stuff. So we decided not to teach you anything at that moment.'' He said finishing.

''Wow. Can you tell me more about when I was little?'' I asked.

''O.k. This other time-'' he started but then someone had to enterupt.

''Hey,hey,hey! It's Tre` Cool in the hizzie. Let's get this party started!'' Tre` said coming in through the door.

''I'll tell you later.'' Billie said.

''Come on Tre-lina! We need to practice!'' Ever since I had moved in, Tre` wanted to give me a nickname. He couldn't think of something so he asked me what I liked to do. Of course,I said drums so he called me Tre-lina. He always thought I was the girl version of him.

''O.k.'' I walked over to my drums set and played a little beat.

''Trying to outdo the master,eh? Well, lets see about that.'' Tre` started to play the beat for Welcome To Paradise, while I played the beat for Jaded. Of course, trying to outdo him. When I ''acidently'' threw my drumstick at him. It hit him in the head and he fell of his chair.

''Cheater! Thou are not-eth aloud to touch-eth the master!'' He yelled.

''But you aren't the master, are you?'' I asked walking away.


I walked over to Mike who was also reading the paper.

''Hey, Mike. You want to go to the mall?'' I asked.

''Not now missy. Got to read the papers.'' he answered.

''Oh, o.k. Dad! You want to go?''

''Sure.'' he said.

We went outside and got into the BMW. I loved this car. It had that smell I loved.
When we got to the mall,we quickly put on sunglasses so nobody would reconize us. And it actually worked! I guess everybody thought we were posers or something.

''Can we go to Hot Topic?'' I asked.

''Yeah, I need a cd anyway.'' he said back.

We walked in and everybody gave us these stares. I guess they're not to fond of Billie.

''Can I help you?'' Asked a helper. He was snarling at us like he had rabies.

''No. We'll just let you go back to being a fuck faced dumbass.'' Billie said simply,waking by them.

''Why don't they like you?'' I asked him.

''`Cause they think i'm a sellout.'' he answered.

''Figures.'' i said.

We finally left the store and went out the mall.
As we got back to the house,we saw loads of camaeras and people. You can pretty much guess who they were.

''What are we going to do?'' i said.

''Don't worry. We have a plan to get them away.'' Billie said.
He signaled to Tre` who was in the window. I saw Tre` pull a rope and three huge trees came crashing down. During all the madness, we slipped through the back way. We went over to the window and you could see loads of people, running around like it was the apocalypse. We laughed and shut the blinds.

''What's so funny?'' asked Joey coming down.

''Nothing. You know once you're famous.'' Mike said.

''Oh, never mind. I know who they are.'' And he went into the living room.

''So what are we going to do now?'' Tre` asked.

''Let's watch The SpongeBob Movie!'' Billie said.

''O.k. SpongeBob it is.'' I went over to the t.v. and put in the movie. And that's how I spent the rest of my night. With Tre`, Mike, Billie, Joey and SpongeBob.