When He's Your Dad Not Everything Goes Right


I wake up on the couch, to hear my cell phone ringing in my ear. Ugh! It's 8 in the morning!Don't people know when not to call?

''Hello?" I said answering.

''Is this Kayla Armstrong?''

''Yeah, who wants to know?'' I said grumpily. I hate when people call me Kayla Armstrong. It' s like, I have a first name. So you don't exactly have to use the last one.

''This is Gerard. You know,from My Chemical Romance?'' Gerard said.

''Yeah. What do you need?''

''Can I talk to Bilie Joe?'' he asked.

''Sure, one minute.'' I took the phone away from my ear and looked over at my dad. He was sound asleep. Perfect time to think of a prank.

''Uh, Gerard? He's gonna have to call you later.''

''O.k.'' I closed my phone and stuck it in my pocket. This plan was gonna get messy.

I went to the kitchen and grab the marshmellow cream puff out of the fridge and mixed it in a bowl. After mixing it, I went upstairs and grab Billie's hair gel bottle and filled the bottle up. Thinking it was good, I went back downstairs and got the glue out. I spreaded it all over the back of the phone to make sure no matter where he put his hand, it would get glued. And to finish it off, I stuffed some marshmellow puff down into his shoes and squished it around. This was the perfect prank.
After finishing, I walked over to Billie and counted down in my head.

123 ''DAD! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!'' I screamed.

''WHAT!'' he jumped up and ran to get his shoes.

''Quick, grab Joey and Jakob so we can-'' SQUISH. He had steped right into the puff and it had squished around.

''Oh, you are so gonna get it!'' he said running after me. I ran upstairs and dodged into the room across the bathroom.

''Come out, come out, wherever you are!'' Billie said looking around for me.
I jumped out of the room, tackling him into the bathroom and locking him inside.

''Let me out! Please!'' he yelled.

''Not untill you take a shower!.'' I yelled back.

I heard the shower turn on. I knew he would take a shower. Dad never liked being without a good 20 to 30 minute shower. I was waiting untill the moment that all the gel would come out on top of his head.

''KAYLA! YOU ARE IN SOO MUCH TROUBLE!'' Perfect. My plan had worked.

Feeling proud of myself, I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I turned the t.v. on and switched it to Fuse. #1 Countdown rock was on, so I dedcided not to change the channel.

After #1 Countdown had gone off, Billie came down the stairs. I felt a laugh come to my lips, but tried to hold it back.

''Yeah, you watch it missy. Just like Tre` said. Your revenge will come.'' Billie said grimly, pouring himself some cereal.

''Whatever. Oh, dad, by the way. Gerard called. So you probably should call him back.''

''This isn't a prank, is it?'' he asked suspictious.

''No,i'm actually serious for once.''

''O.k.'' He picked up the phone and started to dial Gerards number.

''Heloo?'' I could hear Gerard over the phone.

''Yeah,uh, Gerard? You called me,right?'' Billie asked.

''Yeah. I was wondering if you guys could come practice with us tonight?''

''Sure. Be there in a few minutes.''

He put the phone back and tried to let go when he relised that his hand was glued to the back of the phone.

''You just don't stop, do you?'' he asked me.

''Nope. Not even for a minute!.'' I laughed,walking back over to the couch and switching the cannel to SpongeBob.

''Gerard said we were practicing together, so do you want to come?'' Billie asked, sitting down next to me.

''Sure,whatever.'' I said.

After we loaded the car with Billie's guitar we went down to Gerard's house. It was just a couple of blocks away so we didn't have to drive that far.

*At Gerard's house*

Gerard's house is huge. It has 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. But it makes sence becuase there's five in the band.

''Hi Gerard.'' Billie said walking in.

''Oh, hi.'' he answered back.

Billie kicked me in the shin so hard,I think it left a bruse.

''Oh,sorry. Hi.'' I said to gerard.

Tre` and Mike were already there so everybody set up and got ready to practice. Except Frank,who was oddly missing.

''Sorry. Had a little bathroom trouble.'' Frank said. Coming out of the hall. He looked different then I remember from my posters. He looked even better.

''Thanks for the info Frankie.'' Mikey shook his head.

''Can we play?'' Tre` asked.

''O.k. so what ARE we gonna play?''

''Why don't you just play random stuff. you know, jam?'' I asked.
Frank smiled at me. I felt this weird thing in my stomach. Creepy.

''Good idea.'' Ray said. They all started playing random stuff and jumping around. Whenever I laughed,Frank would look up and smile at me and I guess Billie noticed `cause he hit him on the head with his guitar.

''Oww. What was that for?'' he asked.

''For making googly faces at my daughter.'' Billie stuck out his tongue.

''Was not!'' Frank protested.

''Was too. We saw you off in Kayla land.'' Mikey laughed.


After about 30 minutes, they decided to quit and go home. My dad wouldn't stop bugging me about Frank, so I asked if I could ride with Tre` which was a really big risk. Concidering he was crazy.
I had grabbed one of Tre`'s cymbals and was going to take it to his car untill someone stoped me.

''Hey,Kayla.'' Frank said.

''Hi'' My stomach did that thing again.

''I was wondering if I could have your number?'' he asked.

''Sure.'' I wrote it down on the nearest piece of paper and gave it to him.

''Thanks. See ya later.'' He said and walked away.

I went to Tre`s car and loaded the cymbal in it and got in.

''Frank likes him some Kayla,doesn't he?'' Tre` laughed.

''Drive,you pervert.'' I said.

We drove back home and I decided to go to bed early. I was tired from doing nothing all day.
So I got dressed into my jammies and got in the bed. Even though I wanted to go to sleep, I couldn't. The normal thoughts kept coming to my head. Would a piece of the cieling come off and hit me in the eye? Would Billie play a prank on me? Was my mom thinking about me? And the new thought. Was Frank thinking about me?