When He's Your Dad Not Everything Goes Right


I opened my eyes to see Tre` staring me in the face. What a nice way to start the day.

''Hello, Tre`.'' i murmered, turning.

''Buggy.'' he giggled.


''Buggy. That's your new nickname. Buggy.'' he looked oddly serious.

''O.k. Do you want one?'' i asked.

''Yeah! Give me one. Please, pleasepleaseplease.....''

I was trying to think what would fit for Tre`. He loves frogs, which doesn't surprise me since he is one.

''Froggy.'' i said and turned away from him. I love Tre` to pieces but damn. He can get annoying.

''Froggy. I like it.'' He smiled.

''Good. Now go like it somewhere else.''

''Oh, buggy. Don't be like that. Froggy loves you.''

''I know froggy loves me but can't he love me somewhere else?'' I asked. This was not how I wanted to spend my morning.

''I bet buggy would be up if Frank were here.'' he murmered and laughed.

I guess he thought I wasn't listening, but I was. So I took the pillow next to me and slammed it across the side of his freshly dyed hair. It sent he flying across the room and he hit the wall with a thud.

''I thought buggy loved me?'' he asked, rubbing his head.

''Buggy does love you, but not now.'' I laughed.


''Becuase, froggy's being an ass when buggy wants to be sleep.''

''Well, froggy's sorry. He's leaving now. All alone. Without buggy to comfort him.'' he wimpered and hung his head as he walked out.
I hated when he did that. I gave in.

''Fine. Froggy can stay.'' i sighed.

''Yay!'' he ran and jumped on me.

''Froggy loves buggy!'' he yelled.
He hugged me until I couldn't breath and then hugged me even more.

''What's going on?'' Billie Joe asked, coming in the room.
He must have heard Tre` yelling.

''Just a little froggy and buggy bonding.'' I said.

''Froggy and buggy?''

''Yeah. I'm buggy and Tre`s froggy.'' tre` giggled.

''Would you like to join?'' Tre` asked.

''Sure. But whats my nickname?'' Billie jumped on the bed and laughed.

''Sluggy!'' I thought out loud.


''Yeah. You were slow getting me up this morning so you can be sluggy.''

''Isn't there any better names?'' Billie Joe asked.

''Shit head works.'' Tre` laughed.

''O.k. I'll just take sluggy.''

''Yay! The Froggy, Buggy, Sluggy team unites!'' Tre` jumped up on the bed.

Talk about a long morning.