***er My Chemical Romance Standalone.

Kill All Your Friends

There was one thing that we all mananged to keep away from the fans. Gerard was crazy. And not in the cool way, how the fans thought he was crazy, that was just a cover up. Gerard Arthur Way was clinically insane. We didn't know what exactly it was, but it seemed like he was two different people, at least he thought he was. One minute Gerard would be happy and joking around then out of no where he'll grab the nearest sharp thing and try to stab someone with it.

We aren't idiots, we took him to a doctor to get it checked out, and they just said he was crazy, well actually they said a lot of technical medical-like things, but Bob and Mikey took care of that, because I had no clue what any of it meant. All I knew was that Gerard was no longer the same person, sure he would be for a little while, but then instantly he'd turn into a stranger and I'd feel my heart break a little. It's naturally upsetting when your boyfriend tells you he loves you and then tries to kill you right after. But I put up with it, because I loved him. And Mikey Bob and Ray put up with it too, we didn't want him to be locked up in a crazy house, we weren't going to give up on him that easily.

That was probably our biggest mistake, we should have given up, then if we had, I probably wouldn't be locked in a basement with the stench of the rotting bodies of my bandmates stinging my nose.


It was a normal day. Gerard hadn't done anything bad for almost a month straight. We all thought he was getting better. The guys decided to leave us alone for the first time in a long time since we thought he would be better. Ever since Gerard's first...freak out or whatever you wanted to call it, no one could stay alone with Gerard in fear that he would do something. It definetly put a strain on our relationship, Gerard was Gerard and no matter what he did I just wanted to jump him and rip off all of his clothes. Kind of hard and awkward to do when your bandmates are in the next room listening intently to make sure you don't get killed.

So when I found out that we were staying in a hotel and the guys wanted to go out for a while, I was ecstatic. As soon as the bus stopped outside of the hotel, I grabbed me and Gerard's bags and ran to our room. Gerard said he wanted to talk to the rest of the guys, and for me to just go inside.

I waited in the room for almost 2 hours and I decided to figure out what was taking so long, but as soon as I put my hand on the doorknob it was opened and Gerard stepped in smiling. He was wearing different clothes and I opened my mouth to ask him about it only for him to push his lips to mine to shut me up. I groaned in the kiss and let my body relax. I felt the little fireworks in my stomach that always came when kissing Gerard.

I pressed my hips to Gerard's and felt the bump in his jeans rub against mine. He pulled away and chuckled softly. "Eager are we?" he whispered in my ear then bit it slightly. I moaned out and pulled us back to the bed. Somehow all our clothes were off, and we were making love.


I woke up feeling sore and recalled the things me and Gerard had done. I moved my arms expecting to feel Gerard's body but instead felt a piece of paper crumble slightly. I turned over and grabbed it and squinted to read it.
'Frankie baby, I'm in the hotel basement.'
That was all it said, that was strange.
I shrugged it off and stood up slowly. I limped to the shower and let the water soak my body, and soon I was dressing and making my way out the door, I considered stopping by the others' rooms to see how they were, but decided not to, since I was curious as to why Gerard was in the basement.

When I was out in the hall, I felt a strange lump in my throat. Something didn't feel right, but again I ignored it and got in the elevator. I pressed the basement button, wondering if we were even allowed down there. I crossed my arms and looked around the elevator. There was a strange dent in the side of it, and little red specks of...something.

My instincts were telling me again, something was not right, something was very wrong, but again I just ignored it as the elevator continued going downwards.

DING! The doors began to open and suddenly I smelt something absolutely awful. I covered my nose and yelled out for Gerard. "What the fuck is he doing down here?" I muttered to myself as I reluctantly stepped out of the elevator.

"GERARD!" I called, it was dark and I couldn't see anything as soon as the elevator doors closed. My hand still covering my nose, I stepped further into the room, nearly tripping over something with almost every step I took.

I breathed in and instantly regretted it, the smell was absolutely, terrible. I called his name once more, much louder and suddenly the lights went on, I was relieved, just for a second, because when I looked down I noticed the things that I had been tripping over were dead bodies. They were everywhere. My eyes widened in shock, my hand fell from my nose and covered my mouth. "No, oh my god, no..." I whispered to myself.

"Yes, Frankie. They're dead." I heard his angelic voice. His beautiful wonderful voice, I didn't want to believe he did this. There was no way, he was so gentle last night....

My hands were pulled from my face as he stood in front of me. He wiped away the tears that were spilling from my eyes. And made soft cooing noises.

"Shh baby, why are you crying?" he whispered pressing his forehead onto mine.

"Please tell me you didn't kill these people Gerard, you wouldn't...please tell me you didn't." He pulled away from me and frowned.

"I'm not a liar Frank, why are you trying to make me lie?"

I fell to my knees at his words, this wasn't right. No way would he kill all these people.

"You know, you aren't a good person. Trying to make me lie, I try to be nice to you. You got your release last night didn't you? I was so nice to you, and then you come down here, and make me mad? Why? You're not a nice person Frankie." He shook his head and I felt more tears escape my eyes.

We stayed like that for a while. Him just staring at me, me crying silently, hoping that this was all a bad dream. Eventually I calmed down and I lifted my head and gasped in shock. The body to my right was Ray's and next to that was Bob and Mikey's. I looked up at Gerard in horror, and he looked to where I had seen them. He smiled slightly and it made me cringe on the inside. He killed the people who were always there for him and he was...happy about it.

This wasn't Gerard. The Gerard I knew, the Gerard I loved, would never hurt his friends, his brother. The Gerard I knew would never kill anything, let alone a human being. This wasn't Gerard. Gerard was gone. And I wondered how long he had been gone. How long had I been with this stranger? It wasn't Gerard last night, it was some sick fuck pretending to be Gerard. The Gerard I knew was dead. And now so were my best friends. There was nothing for me anymore.

"Kill me." I whispered. Gerard--the strangers eyes widened and he looked at me. He fell to the ground next to me. "Why would I do that?" he whispered. "Just kill me, I want to be with Gerard." I sobbed. He lifted my chin with his fingers. "I am Gerard, I'm right here." I shook my head.

"You aren't Gerard. You are not my Gerard."

He was angry now. I could tell. He clenched his fists, and his eyes filled with anger. He punched the side of my face. I screamed out, it hurt worse than I thought it would. He stood up and began kicking my sides. I bit my lip till it bled, trying not to scream to loud as he continued to kick and hit me however he could.

I tried to imagine myself somewhere else. With Gerard. The real Gerard. The one who loved me. I imagined his soft lovely lips on mine, and his tongue slipping into my mouth. He pulled away from me and whispered that he loved me. I thought back to the time before I had lost my Gerard. When we first made love. He was so beautiful, his skin glimmering with sweat and his face covered with red marks from me. His lips swollen from the kisses and his eyes shimmering so brightly. The huge smile on his face as if he had just won the lottery. I could barely feel the kicks anymore. I sighed softly and remembered when I had played my first show with My Chemical Romance. After the show I had hugged him so tightly, and he hugged me back and I knew that was where I belonged for the rest of my life.

If I hadn't opened my eyes I wouldn't have realized I was still being kicked. They wouldn't open all the way, but they fluttered open enough for me to see the stranged lean down next to me and press his lips to mine, I tried to pull away but he held me closer to him.

I imagined Gerard walking in on me and this stranger. With his lips pressed against mine and saw the hurt look on his beautiful face, I wanted to cry. This wasn't Gerard, I shouldn't be kissing him, I let the tears escape my eyes again and felt myself slip out of consciousness.


I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. The room was white and I felt something on my face and in my arms. I opened my eyes a bit and winced at the pain I felt. I noticed to figures sitting next to me. They noticed I was awake and moved closer. They were police officers.

Where the hell was I? I bit my tongue and remembered everything that happened. A few tears slipped my face as the memories came rushing back. My best friends, my life, everything, they were dead. I wanted nothing more than to die right then and there, to be with them, but fate was cruel.

"Franklin Anthony Iero, you are under arrest for the 43 murders on the night of September 14, you have already been tried with a lawyer, and you need not make any statements. You are guilty. When you are able to be off these machines you will be taken to the prison where you will serve 80 years for each murder commited...." This wasn't right, what was he talking about? I didn't do this... "...You will not get bail. You will not have any extra privelages for good behaviour, you will not be sentenced to death, as we have decided that will be too good of a punishment for you. You have no visitation rights..." My life was over, and I couldn't even die. I was done. I was doomed. I closed my eyes, ignoring everything the cop said. And willed my eyes to never open again. I could only hope they wouldn't and maybe, I'd see my Gerard again....
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This was previously posted on my site Skeleton Skylines. :)