My eyes, they despise you for who I am


Denise had successfully eaten breakfast that morning and her and Alex were both in a great mood. That same morning Denny also cleared all her drug hiding spots and gave all the baggies filled with white powder to her boyfriend.

"Thank you Denny, I realize it's probably tough for you, but you have no idea how amazing I feel right now." Alex murmured softly into Denise's hair.

"It's okay Alex, I want to do it and I know I couldn't ever do it on my own. So, thank you." she replied softly.

A few moments went by as they just held each other in one another's arms while a comfortable silence filled the room.

"Alex, we sound like we're from some corny love novel." Denise blurted out. "Not that it's a bad thing, of course!" she quickly added, trying not to wreck the mood.

"Denny, your silly you know?" Alex laughed and kissed her nose.

"Mhm." Was all she said and lead her boyfriend over to the brown leather couch in the living room.

Alex took a seat while Denise searched through the movie cabinet.

"How about.... The Lost Boys?" She asked hopefully.

"Actually, I was going to suggest that." Alex replied matter-of-factly.

"The Lost Boys it is then."

Denise inserted the movie into the DVD player and cuddled up with Alex on the sofa.

Half way through the movie Denny's eyes were starting to droop and she dozed off into a quiet slumber.

Alex gave a questioning look at Denise's un-moving body and decided that the position she was laying in couldn't have been very comfy. In one swift movement he was carrying her off into the bedroom bridal style to lay her down in bed. For a moment he seen her eyes flutter open and heard her mumble three small words. iloveyou.
This immediately made Alex's heart race and a smile spread instantly across his face.

"I love you too, dear." he said as he gently layed her down on the bed and covered her up with the fluffy down-filled white comforter her mother had bought them as a housewarming gift.

He lowered himself down to her level and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Alex walked back into the living room and sat and thought about everything thats been going on in his life these past few months.
The band has been getting new stuff out there so that was a plus.
But his friendship with Jack was on the verge of falling apart. He'd been paying so much attention to Denise, he barley ever had time for his friends.

Suddenly feeling guilty he got out the phone and dialed Jacks number.

"hello?" a tired sounding Jack said.

"hey Jack, It's Alex. What are you doing?"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing? Sleeping obvious-fucking-ly." he groaned. "What do you want man?"

"Do you maybe wanna meet somewhere, so we can... talk?" Alex asked cautiously expecting Jack to pass up the offer right away.

"What are you gonna do, break up with me asshole?" Jack asked jokingly.

"So, I'll meet you at Burger king okay?"

"Ooh, How romantic!" Jack cooed.

"Shut up and get your ass ready." Alex laughed and hung up the phone.

He left a note for Denny explaining where he was going and not to worry because he'd be back soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I didn't. Cause I'm a horrible horrible person. hehehehe.

MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS to those of you that celebrate it.
Happy Holidays to yous who don't. [that makes sense right?]

Anywhore, comment and subscribe, it would be fantastical of you. And I'll love you forever.

I have three stars now, I'd like four soon. :]

xx, take care loves