Status: finished ; )

A Fairy Tale Ending

or a *** scene?

“Lena, let’s go!” My lovely roommate, Katie, yelled from our living room. I groaned and got up from my bed, following her voice to the front door.

“I already told you Katie, I’m not going.” I shook my head and my eyes drifted the luggage at her feet. “Tell your parents that I send them love and happiness.” I grinned fakely and she rolled her eyes, seeing right through me.

“Shut the crap up and pack your bags.” Her finger pointed at me just as a knock came at our door. She turned and opened it.

“I’m not going.” I sang and peeked over her shoulder to see who it was. There stood her six foot two, dreamy boyfriend. He leaned down to kiss her and it sickened me. Not that I didn’t like Jonathan, he was a sweetheart, or that I didn’t like him with Katie. They were what you say, ‘the perfect couple’. What sickened me was the jealousy burning in my throat. “Hello Jonathan.” I pushed past Katie after the two had finally pulled away for air, and hugged him.

“Hey Len.” He greeted and squeezed me. Did I mention he was a sweet guy? “What’s going on?” And very perceptive. He’d only been here two seconds and he already picked up on the anger coming from Katie and the apathy from me.

“Lena’s being stubborn!” Katie crossed her arms over her chest and pouted like a little kid. It made me giggle and I saw Jonathan trying to hide a smile.

“I am stubborn, but that has nothing to do with this.” I explained and took the few steps between her and I. “I need some time to myself.” I wrapped my arms around her small frame and pulled her towards me. “I am definitely not ready to talk so openly about this.” As I pulled back her face was scrunched up. She knew I was right.

“I guess my family can be a little intrusive.” She rolled her eyes and grudgingly agreed. I giggled.

“A little?” Jonathan raised his eyebrows and she shot him a glare before turning her loving eyes back to me.

“I just feel awful leaving you here, all by yourself, on Christmas.” Her lips puckered again and her eyes looked truly distraught.

“I’ll be fine.” I waved it off even though I could already feel a depression settling in. “You guys have lots of fun.” I smiled and Jonathan winked at me behind Katie’s back.

“It won’t be as fun without you.” Katie stated dramatically and hugged me.

“I believe your Aunt Angie’s story about her high school days will be just as fascinating without me.” I laughed and Katie mocked me.

“Oh, yeah, maybe I should stay with Lena, you know, to look after her.” Jonathan scratched his neck and tried to look innocent, which only made me laugh harder.

“Shut up, your going! End of discussion.” Katie started pushing Jonathan out the door. “Love ya doll, see you in a few days.” Katie scooped up her luggage and followed him out the door, closing it behind her.

Pure silence.

“This is really going to be depressing.” I sighed to no one, to the emptiness. I was condemning myself to this. It had to be done. There were some unsettling issues I had to deal with, alone. “Christmas is going to be a blast.” I mumbled and fell onto the couch. “Nothing like a ’That 70’s Show’ marathon to make everything less awful.” And that’s how the rest of the day was spent. Christmas Eve with nothing but myself and my infatuation with Kelso. That is, until three in the morning rolled around and classic restlessness settled in.

I threw the remote on the other side of the couch and stood up abruptly, sending a serious blood rush to my head. I shook it off and grabbed my parka along with slipping on my shoes. A nice walk in the cold New York air always does the restless well.

However, outside only made things worse. Christmas lights everywhere, that damn happy atmosphere that comes every year, and of course the all to lovey dovey couples that walked past me. Last Christmas I'd thought everything was perfect, hell, it was perfect. I had the sweetest guy down on one knee and the prettiest ring I'd ever seen in his hands. Proposing on Christmas. He thought it was romantic, and I agreed. I'd been so surprised, the first few minutes after he'd said it I was speechless, literally.

Of course I always have to ruin things, but this time it hadn't been my fault. He'd been the one that lied to me. I'd placed my fragile little heart in his palm, let my guard down, and all I'd got in return was secrets kept from me. It'd hurt, god had it hurt. There had been pyshcial pain in my chest while I'd packed my things from the apartment we used to share. He'd tried to tell me I was overreacting, that it wasn't really a big deal, and that he'd fix it. Right. He tried to fix the sink in our bathroom once, and almost flooded the apartment. I still missed him. Maybe even missed him more.

Katie had tried relentlessly in the beginning to try and get me to talk to him. After she'd found out what he did, she tried getting me back in the dating world. I'd never been through something so awkward, especially when I ran into him on one of the dates. He'd been so jealous and overly protective the poor guy that was my date went running.

I sighed and kept walking down the sidewalk to Central Park. I'd been so excited when I moved in with Katie and found out she was only a few blocks away from Central Park. I loved Central Park. It was so beautiful, especially in the winter. It had been our place. We'd spent practically every Saturday here, by the pond. Nice it was now frozen over. Should have brought my ice skates. The Park was mostly empty, not many people come here at three in the morning apparently. I sighed and walked to the bridge that went over the pond, leaning on the railing and looking out. It was so peaceful and gorgeous. I did miss him.

"Should have figured you be here." The voice startled me and made me jump. I slowly turned around and there he stood, poofy jacket and all. "Hey Len." He smiled saddly.

"Hi Adam." My voice came out strained. What was he doing here? "Shouldn't you be in Long Island, with your family?" What were the odds he would be in New York, in Central Park at three in the morning? It was way to odd to be just a coincidence. He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking out at the frozen water.

"Couldn't bear it." He stated and I picked up on the bitterness. "So, how have you been?"

"Alright." I shrugged too. He could probably tell it was a lie. He used to be able to anyway.

"You don't have to fake it." He shook his head and then turned it to look at me. "I tried to get Katie to let me come to see you." He smiled. "She's more stubborn then you at this point, I think."

"It's possible." I nodded and smiled a little. "She won't even say your name around me anymore either." A small giggle escaped my lips, but I saw the twinge of hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah, she told me to go back home and leave you alone." He sighed heavily and I felt it too. I didn't want to, but I did. "But I can't." He shook his head and he stared at me. "I love you so much Lena." There was a passion in his words that almost knocked me to the ground. "I'll do anything to get you back, I swear, anything." He was begging now.

"Adam, I can't." There were no words that described how betrayed I'd been, and still was.

"Please, Len." His eyes were so sad. It was breaking my heart. "I know you still love me too." My gaze shifted to the ground. His eyes were burning with agony and I couldn't look at them anymore. His warm hand cupped my face. "At least, I hope you do." He tipped my face up so I would have to look at him. I know I'll regret this at some point, but I can't lie at this point. He looks just as vunerable as I felt.

"Of course I still love you, Adam." I sighed and leaned my head into his hand. "But that doesn't change the fact that you hurt me, and you hurt me bad." My voice started to quaver.

"Len, you know I never meant to hurt you. I would never want to hurt you." His other hand came up to the other side of my face, cupping it and inching closer to me. "You mean so much to me, it hurts. I've missed you like hell these past four months. It's been awful without. Nothing is the same without you, and I don't like it." He smiled a little. "Did I mention I'll do anything?" My eyes rolled as a normal reaction. Adam was the type to try and make every situation have a little laughter in it.

"How am I supposed to trust you?" His expression looked as if I'd just punched him in the stomach, but he quickly smoothed it out.

"Leap of faith." He suggested hopefully and I wished it was that easy.

"Leap of faith?" I questioned and started to shake my head, but he wouldn't let me.

"Leap of faith." He nodded and confirmed. "We can even start slow, forget about the ring and the engagement. Just me and you, having dinner." His smile widened and it was so bright.

"I don't know, Adam." I admitted and stared at him. This leap of faith could cost me a great deal, but it could also bring us back together.

"You know, it's technically breakfast since we're in the early hours of the morning." He grinned and I surrendered to it.

"Okay." I nodded slowly and smiled up at him. He seemed to glow with happiness now.

"I love you Lena." He closed the few inches inbetween us and lightly pressed his lips against mine. It felt so good, and I'd missed his lips so much. We broke apart and grinned at each other.

"I love you too Adam."