I Need This Place To Get Away From You


I awoke from my haven and allowed my gaze to scan the room. I lazily rolled out of bed in a daze.

"Well I don't want another shower incident again...And I'm still clean. Whatever." I spoke to myself.

I changed into a Metallica shirt and grey skinny jeans. I fixed my poofy hair to make it somewhat presentable.
I stomped my way down the stairwell and was greeted with a half asleep Brian.

You see my brother and I were homeless and Brian and his family allowed us to live with them until Jimmy was of age so he can leave with me by his side. We only have a year difference between each other. We were both fairly young when our parents left.

I used to be close with all of the guys. Especially Jimmy. But something happened last summer, that caused them to suddenly act hostile towards me. It was during Warped Tour because they were just starting out with their band. They are still in the awkward stage within their careers.

"Frankie." Was the cold hello from Brian's mouth. I sighed.

"Brian." I stated more weaker which had surprised me. I usually can defend myself whenever they try to pull pranks. But when I'm caught off guard like last night, I feel defenseless.

Johnny then stepped into the room right as I spotted the rest of the boys walk in. I smiled towards Johnny and nodded. He was the only one out of the five who cared for me.

"Well whore don't even think about going to school today." Jimmy spoke with a mischievous gleam in his eyes as a smile twisted onto his face.

"Why?" I growled and hardened my stare towards the group.

"Your going to be our little source of entertainment today. We are skipping and heading towards The Spot in a bit so I recommend you hurry your ass up." Matt smirked.

"Fine let me put on my shoes and we can get going." I lied. I slipped on my converse and looked at all of the men in the room. They were also putting on their shoes.

If you are going to run, do it now! My thoughts shouted desperately. As I gazed around the room, I saw Johnny nod to me as if he can understand what I was doing.

I sprinted towards the door and practically ripped it off its hinges as I made a mad dash for the school, which was located a few blocks away from Brian's house. It was the last week of school, so I didn't need any books on account that I am just finishing finals.

"What the fuck!" I herd screamed by who I assumed to be Matt.

"Get her you douche!"

"I'm running fagot!"

What could they possibly want from me this time? I hate when they do this. I hate them!

I pushed my pace faster as I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. I used to be on cross country. I can kick their ass at running.

Or so I thought.

Before I knew it I felt two pairs of arms wrap themselves around my waist and take me down. I could only squeak as I toppled onto a lawn.

"Gotcha bitch!" Zacky announce and I turned to see Jimmy chuckling.

They lifted me up without a struggle and handed me over to Matt like I was a bag of potatoes.

He has his iron grip on me and they walked the opposite way towards the park.

This can't be too good.

Just don't fight them unless they assault you. My thoughts warned. Oh great.
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This was somewhat of a filler. Next chapter is rather important and will be out by tonight.