I Need This Place To Get Away From You

Burn It Down

As I was dragged by Matt I took in my surroundings. We had entered a park and were currently going through woods. All the while Johnny gave me sympathetic looks but his face was currently permanently set with determination.

"Here we are Hun." Brian said in a sickly voice that made me cringe with hate.

"And why exactly am I here." I demanded while sending looks all around our small group.
I saw Matt look at Jimmy and they just stared at each other for a long time. But they would make head motions towards me and odd glances. I saw Jimmy's face fall suddenly.

What the hell? Its like they are fregin trying to communicate with each other. Boys these days... I watched silently my eyebrows furrowed. But Jimmy soon spoke up with a upset look on his face.

"We...."He sighed and looked at Johnny desperately whom of which was smiling but shook his head. Causing Jimmy to glare and turn back to me.

"We wanted to apologize." He spat and rolled his eyes.

Now thats unexpected.

I felt a sudden rage fire up inside me. Of all the months of harsh acts and verbal abuse they expected me to forgive them just like that? Hell no! They got all mad at me for no reason and I never did shit to them. Why should I?

I stood at my full height. My anger brought up new courage, all anger I've held in was unleashing. My harsh glare was transfixed within the group.

"Now what the fuck do you expect me to say to that!." I hissed. The whole groups eyes widened at each of my words. Mixed emotions ran high.

Some anger.
Some offended.
Some amused.
And some Scared?!
Over all it was pure shock as I stared them each down, going over nearly every memory from the past. I felt my anger grow as I smirked and stepped up to Jimmy.

"I suggest you start talking Big Bro. I honestly am sick of this crap."I whispered harshly.

I saw weary glances being exchanged around our five. I was growing impatient.

Let it out. This must be done. I basically cried within my mind.

"Now!" I screamed right into Jimmy's ear causing him to jump.

"Fine! Okay! Okay! Just....Just let me tell you what happened over the summer okay? Promise me you'll listen?"

I nodded in response and took a few steps back.

"Entertain me bitch." I growled with as much venom as I can muster.

"Well..."He started
♠ ♠ ♠
very very important chapter
you'll all understand soon enough
Merry Christmas.....Eve... xD
my gift to you all