I Need This Place To Get Away From You


Jimmy looked hesitant. All the guys looked whiter than usual and would look every direction except for mine.

The longer Jimmy took to speak, the more Johnny's smile faded into a frown of disapproval.

"Well we have been acting this way because your a fucking slut and now your our entertainment. You are to--" Jimmy's harsh word were interrupted with Johnny stepping up in front of him.

"Tell her the fucking truth James. She deserves to know her future." He spat, daggers shooting from his eyes.
Jimmy roughly pulled Johnny an out of hearing distance and the guys followed not far behind. I personally stayed on my spot, my thoughts running wild. They were speaking in harsh whispers and kept making hand gestures towards me or pointing to the group.

What can this possibly be about? For all the months of cruelty there must have been a cause. But it must be drastic if they've been lying or beating on me.

I was ripped out of my thoughts when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"We ought to tell you our story before I tell you about your fate."Zacky said calmly. He was the only one who wasn't freaking out. I nodded in approval and made myself more comfortable as Zacky sat in front of me.

"It all started on Warped Tour. We were making it big and we created more fans than we've ever dreamed of. We took advantage of our fame and we often partied and got drunk off our asses. We thought we were gods. We had some crazy fans, groupies, and haters." He paused to take a breath and shook his head. He muttered something along the lines of 'very crazy..'

"Well one night, we were at a party with a few bands. We each had done some bad shit. In which I mean by drugs. It was in Chicago and we were just leaving to go to our bus. We had to travel through the streets. Jimmy claimed he knew a short cut that another band had shown him. We went through this Alley way...In the Alley way we saw this group of...ah it had to be eight teenagers.
"We asked them if they were alright or if they needed anything. And one kid just nodded to us. And they all jumped at once. They became these wolf like creatures. We were terrified. They bit us, scratched us. Then one boy, who must have been the leader, made five of them each take one of us. They all put their paws on our chests. And we felt this fire like sensation. It was like getting burned.
"The next morning we discovered we couldn't remember anything. But that boy from the night before informed us that...we have become...uhm..Wear wolves..." Zacky choked on the last word. I could tell he was having a hard to explain.

I sat back taking everything in. I didn't realize everyone was standing behind Zack.

What the fuck is this some kind of joke? This can't be real. This isn't funny. It doesn't even explain why they have been making my life a living hell! My thoughts swarmed. I voiced just that and I saw all of the men in front of me sigh.

"You see Frankie..."Brian mumbled but raised his voice a bit to explain to me.

"We each have a power. We were told that we were chosen for a reason. And there are many benefits to our new forms. One of the things we must do, is protect you. We aren't suppose to tell you until its your 18th birthday. You are now about to turn 17. The time is now. We must prepare you, you have the greatest power out of all of us Frankie." Brian put his hand on my shoulder.

I just stared at each and every one of them My mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
My thoughts were on over load.

"Wait...Whoa!" I mumbled suddenly as everything started to spin around me.

"Frankie are you alright?!" A panicked Matt yelled. But he sounded so far away. I suddenly tried to stand up.


That was the last thing I herd before everything turned black.
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if you weren't expecting this I'm sorry. but its the entire point of my story
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id appreciate more comments. if i don't get comments it makes me feel like people hate my work