Status: Completed.

Long Rides


I screamed in frustration, lying on the grass, placing my arm above my eyes. You see, Vincent, Verion, Arne and I were travelling around the US. Yes, we were only 18 until 21 year olds, but that doesn’t stop us for travelling without parents.

Now we were stuck in the freaking Nevada, on the freeway, in the middle of nowhere, at 10.30 at night! You know why? The tire in the front left was fucking got flat. Flat tire! How fun is that?! Blame Vincent for it! He was driving!

Foolish boys! Why the fuck did they tell me to change the tire! My knowledge about cars was… shallow! And I was guessing that Vincent and Arne didn’t know how to change tires; they just denied it with the reasons, ‘I’m sleepy’ and ‘I’m tired from all the driving.’ You’re asking about Verion now? Psh, she didn’t want to. Don’t even bother to ask her.

I screamed in frustration again. How dare those guys sent me outside in the dark? What if somebody came and rape me?! Damned bastards.

I stayed like that for minutes, not caring about the weather. Not caring about my safety. Goodness, how can I figure out to change tires?

I felt something was shining bright and I immediately knew it was headlines from a vehicle. I didn’t bother to remove my arm and see; probably just another rapist or psychopath. Just let me die now. Oh, it’d be great if it was The Joker, bringing a knife and put it inside my mouth, saying, “Why so serious?”

I heard footsteps were coming closer. My ears were set: there were about 3 pairs of feet, which meant 3 people, and I was guessing they were all guys. Trust me I was really good at this.

“Dude, is she alive?” one of them said.

“I see her van is right in front of her you fucking moron,” the other one replied.

“And she’s breathing. She’s alive,” another one stated.

“She’s sleeping,” the first one said.

“Out in the dark and coldness?” the third guy said. I’m guessing he’s the smart one.

“I’m not fucking sleeping,” I breathed and opened my eyes, seeing 3 faces of guys. They all jumped in surprise. I sat up straight, staring up at them.

“What are you doing out here?” the third guy asked. He had black hair and green eyes. God, his eyes were the smex.

I pointed the flat tire. “Fuck my friends. They forced me to change it. Gays,” I cursed.

“That’s bad…” the second guy said. He had yellowish brown hair and his eyes were a bit narrow. Meh, I was jealous of his hair. If I were a guy, I’d kill him and take his hair.

“Dur,” I mumbled.

“You can stay in our bus,” the first one said. His hair was bleached blonde and he was kinda cute.

The first guy smacked the back of his head. “Stop blurting out things, Kyle!” he scolded.

“Sorry,” Kyle mumbled.

“It’s okay,” I yawned. “I was about to surrender and wait ‘till the morning come anyway,” I said, standing up and brushed off the grass on my body.

“Are you sure? I mean, it’s not safe for you guys staying out here,” the second guy said. “We can just tell the bus driver to stay here for the night!”

“What for?” I snapped and when I saw the looks on their faces, I immediately said, “Sorry, I’m a bitch when I’m tired.”

The black hair guy laughed. “It’s okay. Nice idea Caleb, we can just stay here for the night until they can change their tire.”

“Whoa, you guys are really nice. Like seriously,” I said.

“Thanks. I’m Jonathan by the way,” the black hair said, sticking out his hand. I shook it.

“Caleb,” the guy with really good hair said, following Jonathan’s suit. I did the same.

“Kyle!” the bleached blonde said, following his friends’ suits. I stared at his hand before looking up to him and gave him a quick hug.

“I somehow feel that we’re gonna get along so fine, Kyle,” I grinned. “I’m Atheria, by the way. My friends inside there are Vincent, Verion, and Arne. They’re all sleeping.”

“Alright. So, see you in the morning?” Caleb asked.

“Of course,” I smiled.

We shared goodbyes before going back to our own vehicles. They went back to their bus and I went back to the van. I climbed to the back seat and tried to go to sleep.

“You changed the tire already?” I heard the really sleepy Vincent asked as he locked the van.

“No,” I answered. “We can try it tomorrow though.”
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bunga forced me to post this.
tell me whatcha think about it :D
i like this one a lott.