Status: Completed.

Long Rides


There were few songs left before FTSK’s turn. ATL was still on stage and Alex was talking to the crowd.

“Anyway, we just made new friends yesterday. I want you to meet them—“

“Oh! Them! I really like Arne, he’s really cool!” Jack talked in the middle of Alex’s sentence.

“Jack, are you sure you’re not gay…?” Alex asked, looking at Jack.

“I’m a guy.”

“Whatever,” Alex scoffed. “Anyway, I want you to meet our new friends! Athe, Arne, Verion, and Vincent! Please come up here!” he announced, looking over me.

My eyes bulged wide and I dropped my hands that were crossed across my chest to my side. “What—“ I said, looking around, ended up looking at Jonathan, pleading for an answer.

He raised his shoulders. “Go.”



And he pushed me to the stage. The crowd screamed when they saw me and my best friends were already on stage. Since when they were there already? I walked over to Alex and he put an arm around my shoulder.

“Meet our friends!” Jack said over-excitedly. “Athe, Vincent, Verion, and Arne!” he introduced us, but he was talking way too fast.

“You’re talking way too fast, Jack,” Alex laughed, speaking out my mind. “These are Athe—“ He pointed at me “—Vincent, Verion, and Arne. They’re really cool.”

“And not to mention that Athe’s so pretty that she drives Alex crazy!” Jack blurted. “Alex has a crush on Atheeee,” he sang like a five year old.

I knew Alex liked me, but I was so not expecting this. Alex didn’t expect it too. I was sure his eyes were about to pop out right now. He put his arm away from my shoulder.

“Oh, shut up, Jack,” Alex tried to sound calm and tried to laugh as he playfully punched Jack’s arm, but his voice sounded panicky and his face went deep red. “You can go back now,” he whispered to me.

“Come on,” I said to Vincent and grabbed his wrist, and he grabbed Verion’s wrist and Verion grabbed Arne’s wrist and I dragged ourselves to the backstage.

“That was unexpected,” Caleb popped beside me and I slightly jumped. “Sorry,” he muttered.

“It’s alright,” I replied, turning to face him as my friends scattered away.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “What do you think about that – I mean, Alex…?” I tried to read the tone of his voice but it was hard since the guys on stage were too hyped up.

“Can we go outside for a while?” I asked and he nodded. We went outside and it was chilly.

“What do you think about Alex?” he directly asked when we were outside.

“Why are you asking?”

He stared back at me with a disbelief expression, eyes blinking. “I like you a lot,” he confessed and I barely could hear him. But I heard him anyways. “And you know it. I’m still waiting, Athe.”

“Caleb, this is not the right time—“

“I know, I know. You’re not ready. The question is when are you ready? You can tell me that you don’t like me straight away – no need to give me hope.”

“Caleb, I do like you too! But.. not yet.”

“Tell me why, Athe. Why are you not ready?”

Not another similar question, I thought. “I just… haven’t..”


“Caleb, you said you’d wait for me until I’m ready!”

“…You’re making it sounds like I want to sex you.” He scrunched up his nose. “Well I like you but not in that sexual kind of way.”

I giggled. “I know, Caleb. I know.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “When are you ready?” He then immediately said, “Not that I’m impatient – tell me so I can arrange things.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Such as?”

“I don’t know… place, time…”


The door opened and Kent poked out his head from the door. “Geez, it’s so cold out here! What are you guys doing here? Anyway Caleb, we’re up at ten!” And he disappeared.

“I think we better get inside. I don’t want you to be freezing cold again,” he said, taking my hand.

Ah, my personal heater.

* * *
Alex poked his head into the van. “Athe, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Everyone had been calling me Athe now.

“Yeah, sure.”

I went out of the van and we went to the quietest spot in our current place.

“Um, about what Jack said today at the show…” he started.

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m not thinking about it.”

His face fell. “I honestly want you to think of it. Athe… I like you. A lot.”

Not again!

“Alex.. I like you too, but not that gooey kind of thing. You’re interesting, but I’m sorry.. I’m not into romantic relationship right now. I’m so, so sorry!”

He chuckled. “I knew you’d say that.”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized again.

“How about Caleb?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you said you’re not into relationship right now, it’s obvious that you and Caleb are more than friends—“

“He’s waiting until I’m ready.”

“You’re giving him a chance?” I nodded. “Why can’t I?”

“Stop pushing me, Alex!” I snapped. His expression changed and I quickly apologized. “It’s just… I don’t think you’re the guy for me. Sorry.”

And I left.

I hate being a guys’ magnet.
♠ ♠ ♠
this circle never ends.