Status: Completed.

Long Rides


We were currently in Michigan and it was snooowing. We were in FTSK and ATL’s bus, but Verion and Kyle stayed in the van; God-knows-what-they-were-doing. Hope it’s not something nasty.

Marc had turned on Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship out loud, and he was dancing to it, which made us dance too. I paired up with Austin and it was pretty funny when he danced. I laughed more than I danced.

“Austin.. Stop.. I.. Need.. AIR!” I gasped, laughing as Austin shook hisbooty ass. I cracked up once more before collapsing on the floor.

“Oh my god,” Austin said, laughing as he squatted next to me, poking my sides.

“Air…” I panted.

“Guys! Athe needs CPR in here!” he shouted, causing everyone turned to us. I raised my foot and kicked his knee and he fell down.

“I do NOT need a CPR!” I declared.

“Too bad, I was going to give you one,” Caleb grinned and my cheeks grew red.

“By the way, where’s Jonathan?” I changed the topic so people won’t be talking about what Caleb had said.

“Oh yeah.. since when did he go?” Jack said, looking around.

“Ali’s gone too,” Alex said. Ali was their merch girl. Alex had been avoiding me these days since I straightened up that I wasn’t into him. It was kind of sad… but I couldn’t ask him to stay be friends. It’s hard for us, especially him.

“They’re outside!” Vincent said, looking out to the window.

We went to the window and looked outside. Ali and Jonathan were outside in the snow. Jonathan was snowboarding with a cap of a large trash bin and Ali was filming. Jonathan slid down the hill with the trash bin’s cap but he fell down in process. Probably because it was slippery.

“That looks fun!” Caleb said and he went to his bunk.

“What’re you doing?” I asked, following him.

“Joining him, duh.”

“Count me iiin!” I chimed, putting on my coat and glove on the sofas. I put on my beanie and took my Blackberry after that.

Jack and Austin decided to join and the others decided to stay to avoid the coldness outside. We then stepped outside after Jack and Austin wore their coats and crap. I immediately shivered when the cold air attacked my body. Caleb seemed to notice that because then he grabbed my hand as we walked over to Jonathan and Ali.

“Jonathan, do it!” Caleb said as Jonathan stood next to the ‘snowboard’. “Don’t kill yourself,” Caleb reminded as Jonathan’s foot stepped on the ‘snowboard’, followed by his other foot. He slid down the hill with his ‘snowboard’, but ended up falling down on the snow.

“OW!” Jonathan screamed, holding his knee after he stood up. “OW! It hurts SO bad!” And we burst into giggles.

He went up the hill again and placed down the ‘snowboard’.

“Can I try?” I asked. They all looked at me.

“You’re gonna hurt yourself,” Caleb said, concerned.

“It’s okay! I always hurt myself. Well not exactly always…” After all, there was another person that had hurt me even deeper than any bruises could do, I added mentally.

“It’s okay, let her try,” Jack said. “Probably she’s gonna fall down the hill anyways, and she will turn into a heeee-uge snowball!”

“Thank you, Jack,” I said sarcastically.

“My pleasure.”

“Princess,” Jonathan said, taking out his hand to me. I took it and he helped me to step on the ‘snowboard’. Caleb watched me with worries in his face.

I took a deep breath as I looked down the hill. I stepped on the front part of the ‘snowboard’ and it started to slide down, bringing me on it. The cold wind blew past me as I slid down, and the next moment, the wind was gone. I was safe down here.

I turned around, punching my fists in the air. “Whoo!” I screamed and Jonathan followed. I went back up with the ‘snowboard’ and placed it down. “Told’ja I’ll be alright,” I said to Caleb and stuck out my tongue at him.

He just laughed and ruffled my hair.

“My perfect hair! NOO!” I shrieked, mimicking those spoiled cheerleaders in movies.

He laughed even harder and the others joined.

“How did you do that?!” Austin asked between his laughs.

“Did what?”

“Mimicking spoiled cheerleaders perfectly!”

“I watch chick flicks too much.” I flicked my hair.

“Girls,” Jonathan muttered under his breath.

“I’m sorry?” Ali and I said in unison.

“No, it’s just, uhh…” And he randomly started singing Jingle Bells.

* * *

“Do you even realize it’s 2 more weeks before Christmas?” Verion said, taking a Baby Milo hoodie and examined it.

“I didn’t notice until you said it,” I honestly answered, looking through the t-shirts.

“Have you bought gifts yet?”

“How can I buy gifts when I just realized that Christmas is 2 weeks away?”

“Have you thought the gift you’ll give to Caleb yet?” she smirked as she placed back the hoodie.

“Why Caleb?” I asked confusedly. “He’s not the only person I know.”

“I know honey-bunny-sweetie-darling,” she said, pinching my cheek. Ugh, I hate it when she started using that honey-bunny thing. “But he’s your special someone, you know?”

“I don’t know, Ver,” I sighed.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“Although he’s really nice to me and gives me a lot of attention, I don’t think I like him in a romantic way.”

“You’re saying it ‘cos of him, aren’t you?” she said in Miley Cyrus’ accent. I flinched. Ew.


“Liar!” She poked my shoulder.

“No, seriously! I don’t think of him in that kind of way…”

“Why don’t tell him that?”

“I can’t. He’s too nice.”

“But you said it to Alex.”

“Because he’s kinda annoying – How do you know that? I never told you.”

“Dahling, I know everything. And why is he annoying? He’s quite a fun guy.”

I shrugged. “He just is.”

“Come on! Give Caleb a preseeent,” she pouted.

I looked around the store and saw a spot full of beanies. “I think I’ll get Austin one of those beanies,” I said and went to that spot. Verion rolled her eyes at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
yo check it out, i've got a plan.

I CAN PLAY REMEMBERING SUNDAY'S GUITAR! well, a little. our music teacher taught us the chords :p he wasnt actually teaching the chords of remembering sunday, but remembering sunday have the same chords with my bonnie, so i can play it :D i just need to practice it more.
i had to be good at playing poppin champagne.
i must.
just because :D

and that snowboarding was adapted from here: