Status: Completed.

Long Rides


I skipped out of the bus and tackled Caleb from behind until we both fell down on the snow.

“What the hell?! HEY!” he screamed as I sat on his stomach and laughed. “You’re heavy!” he shrieked and I smacked the side of his head.

“’Heavy’ is a big deal for women, young man,” I said.

“Yeah well then get off of me!” He pushed me off of him until I rolled on the snow.

I felt like annoying someone, and Caleb was the one, so I kicked the snow on the ground so they were like jumping and attacking Caleb’s torso.

“AH! THE COLDNESS!” he exclaimed as he jumped up. I was rolling onfloor snow laughing my ass off.

You know why I felt like annoying someone? I wanted to have fun and shoo away the paranoia I was having. I never felt even safer since that dream that night. I felt something was coming… something big.

“Guys, stop goofing around,” Vincent said, “Or we’re going to leave you.”

“Awsh,” I pouted as I stood up and brushed the snow from my body and started walking into the bus.

Everyone was here. Except for Kyle, Verion, Caleb, and Ali. Well, there you go: 2 couples in a van, there might be a foursome. Or not. Sorry for my hormones. Caleb and Ali weren’t dating though… yet. Caleb is giving her hints that he likes her, but Ali being Ali… she doesn’t notice it.

I went to the lounge at the back, where most of the people were. The rest of them were in their bunks or somewhere else. Or probably was left behind.

When I opened the door, noise of laughter blasted out. They were laughing at a joke that Jack threw to Rian.

I plopped myself down next to Zack and joined the others laughing about the stupid joke that Kent said about a squirrel he saw earlier. Like I said, it was a stupid joke, but it was funny nonetheless.

“Yeah, and then it was jumping like crazy—“ Kent said with over-excited hand gestures, causing him accidentally hitting my bag on the coffee table and it fell down. “Shit I’m sorry—“ he apologized as he bent down to take it.

Jonathan, who was sitting near him and near the bag, changed his expression when he looked down to the bag. He bent down and grabbed something, and sat back in his previous position. The room fell into silence seeing his change of expression.

“Found this outside your bag,” he muttered.

He held up the thing he grabbed earlier. It was a cigarette box. I gasped lightly, recognizing the brand of the cigarette. It was the cigarette that Ben smokes… how did it get there?

“I—“ I stuttered, exchanging glances with the others. My glance met Austin and my eyes pleaded for help, and gladly he got the hint.

“Well,” Austin said, “It’s mine.”

Jonathan turned his head to him.

“I put it inside her bag; I’m afraid I might lose it or something.”

“Since when did you smoke Marlboro?” Jonathan questioned as he placed the pocket-sized box onto the table.

“I just wanna try something new.” He shrugged.

“Oh, okay,” he nodded.

The room was filled with awkward silence.

“You know I was in the zoo and I saw this really weird monkey…” Jack started to ramble, trying to break off the awkwardness. Glad it worked.

We didn’t realize we had been hanging out in the lounge for 3 hours, and it was now 9.43 PM. The room was slowly getting emptier; everyone was heading to their bunks for sleep, and I should too. So I went to Zack’s bunk to borrow one of his t-shirts, went to the bathroom and changed my clothes into Zack’s t-shirt. The t-shirt was huge on me, but that was the way I wanted it, because I wasn’t going to use any pants. Except my underwear of course.

I left my clothes in the bathroom – the others didn’t mind – and went into Jonathan’s bunk. He wasn’t there yet but Atheria Greeme doesn’t care about these things, so she went into his bunk and laid on it. it was only a matter of minutes until I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
dreams only last for a night.

well that was short, but hey, i updated! sorry for the lack of updating :( i dont feel like writing these days, but i still write!

and oh, i dont know if austin smokes marlboro or not, but he does smoke, right?