Status: Completed.

Long Rides


We were in the lounge, karaoke-ing. Kent and Austin were singing the original version of Kiss Me together, which was creepy because it made them look like a couple of gays!

“YOUTUBE!!” Kyle exclaimed as he put down his Blackberry as they finished singing; he had the event recorded.

“THE FUCK!?” Austin shouted, launching himself towards his best friend. Kyle was standing when Austin did this, so they both landed on the sofa squishing 2 people underneath them: me and Ali.


“But Austin doesn’t want to get his fat stomach off me!!” Kyle replied

“Shut it!” Austin said.

“JUST FUCK OFF! YOU GUYS MAY BE FUCKING SKINNY BUT YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING HEAVY!” Somehow I managed to kick Kyle’s back made them got off of Ali and I.

Kyle pouted toward Ali. “I don’t have a fat ass.”

“Oh yeah!” Ali said, “Let me correct it, then: you don’t have an ass.”

I giggled at them, and then my phone rang. I read who called and was deciding should I pick it up or not. After a while of thinking, I rejected the call. It’s better for me to go on without his calls.

“Hey Athe, let’s sing something!” Austin offered, pulling my hand like a 5 year old wanting a lollipop. I laughed and stood up. “Can I choose the song please please pleaaase?” he begged and I only nodded, giggling. “Yay! Jonathan, you have the best girlfriend ever!”

“I know,” Jonathan laughed.

Austin chose Barbie Girl and the whole room cracked up.

“Oh my god this Jack and I’s song!” Alex announced, laughing his ass off.

“Shut up and let us sing!” Austin said using the microphone.

”I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. Made of plastic, it’s fantastic. You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere. Imagination; life is your creation!” we sang together. Austin was frickin’ hilarious; he was singing in a girl’s voice!

“Let’s dance, Alex!” Jack offered and stood up with Alex and they started dancing as we were singing. The whole room was cracking up so bad at their dirty dance and Austin’s girly voice. Austin’s girl voice cracked when he hit the high note, which made me cracked up and stopped singing for a while.

That night went into The Most Amazing Nights in My Life list. Well, I didn’t actually make a list for it, but indeed the night was a-ma-zing.

I hope nothing will ruin my life once again.

I don’t feel anything good these days. I don’t feel safe. It feels like something is coming. Something dangerous.

I was on PMS today so my mood was really bad. People didn’t want to mess with me when I’m PMS-ing because I can throw something near me at them, which was really bad. I once threw a shoe and it hit Arne’s vital body part badly. I was aiming at Vincent but he successfully dodged from the shoe so it hit Arne. Vincent shouted ‘Jackpot!’ when it hit Arne; I felt so bad for hurting my best friend.

I was in the lounge room, watching some random show on TV when Jonathan came in.

“Hey,” he greeted, “You’re awake.” He went over and kissed my forehead. I only replied with a ‘hm’. “What are you watching?” he asked as he sat next to me.

“You can see it yourself.”

“Jeez, why so cranky?”

“You’re bugging.”

“Oh, am I?”

“YES! Jeez,” I breathed out as I stood up and left.

I grabbed some clothing from my suitcase and went to the bathroom to change. After I changed, I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. Then I went out of the bathroom and Jonathan was walking pass through the door when I opened the door. He saw me but I immediately looked away from him and walked out of the bus.

“Hey Athe, where are you going?” Kyle asked when I just got out from the bus.

“Somewhere,” I answered coldly and walked away.

I went somewhere with lesser people there, and strolled around. I didn’t know where I was but I still remembered the way to go back to the bus and the van.

I sat on a bench and stared into the sky. I was so rude toward Kyle and Jonathan. I shouldn’t have done that.

After a few minutes of sitting on the bench, I decided to go back. Maybe my friends were looking for me. I started to walk back when suddenly someone covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief smelled like alcohol. I turned around and saw the person who did it unclearly because my vision was blurring.

Everything was a blur, before they faded into a pitch black.
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sorry for the super long update D: writer's block!!