Status: Completed.

Long Rides


“You’re safe now. He’s not gonna go after you again. You’re with us.”

“You’re lying; he is going after me. I see it.”

“What are you, a Watcher? How many times I told you to not to watch Push again?”

“Anyway, Athe, you are safe in here. He’s gone.”

“But he’s not vanished.”


“Look, Athe, no one’s gonna hurt you again. We promise. …I love you.”

My eyes fluttered open and my surroundings become clearer as I collected myself from the dizziness I was having because of the alcohol before. It took me a minute to get a hint of where I was. I was in an empty car that I really knew. Ben’s.

My heartbeat was increasing as I was thinking what to do. I could just unlock the door and run away, but no that wouldn’t work. Psycho ex boyfriend would chase me with the car when he noticed I was gone.

Then I knew what to do. Quickly, I grabbed my phone in my jeans’ pocket and dialed someone’s number that was the first one that got into my head.

He’d better pick it up.

My head hit the ceiling of my bunk as I jumped up when my phone rang. Goddamnit who would be calling at… 2.54 PM? Wait, anyone could do it at this time. Should I pick it up or not? Nah, probably my mom from Texas was calling. And then my phone stopped ringing. Good, I should go back to sleep.

I just placed my head on the pillow when it rang again beneath my pillow. Ugh, do I have to pick it up? Probably Kyle was calling, looking for his boxers. My hand snaked under the pillow and grabbed my phone. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered it.

“Hello?” I said sleepily.

“Caleb? Thank god you pick it up.”

“Athe? What’s wrong?” I asked as I was now fully awake.

She sounded so scared.

“Caleb, listen to me. I’m in a sedan… a black Honda Civic. I really remember that this is Ben’s car. Please, Caleb, help me,” she started to cry. Was she pulling a prank on me? No way. Athe’s so scared with her past she wouldn’t dare to mention about it.

“Just tell me where you are and I’ll come to get you,” I assured her as I got out of my bunk.

There was a few seconds silence before she told me where she was. She remembered the car’s plate number so she gave it to me.

“Hurry, Caleb. Please…”

“I will, Athe—“

I heard a click from the other line, but it wasn’t her hanging up. I thought she was hiding her phone because there were muffled noises after the click. And then I heard a male voice.

“Aw, you’re awake, beautiful.”

“Lay your hands off of me,”
I heard her growled.

“Aw, don’t be so hard. Don’t you remember all those good times we had?”

“Ben, please, get off!”
And then she screamed and I heard the dial tone.
♠ ♠ ♠
before you ask which way to go, remember where you've been.

i demand a lovely banner from my lovely reader ;D