Status: Completed.

Long Rides


It had been 2 weeks since the travelling plan turned into tailing FTSK and ATL. The guys were great; I loved them. Alex flirted a lot with me, but honestly I was more interested to Zack – the calmest one in their band and often got forgotten. Poor kid, but that was what made me wanted to be with him; he seemed quite lonely.

“Zack! Whazzup?” I asked, sitting next to him and poked his shoulder.

“Not much,” he answered.

I was now holding his upper arm, pressing his muscles. “Oh my god Zack,” I breathed. “You are nicely built.”

“You haven’t seen my stomach,” he grinned and let go of my arm before lifting up his shirt until I could see his stomach.

Oh my. Freaking. Gawd.

“You’re hot,” I laughed before poking his stomach.

I stared at Atheria and Zack; they seemed to have a good time.

“You’re hot,” Atheria laughed and poked Zack’s stomach.

Whaaa? I’m jealous now. Okay, I admit Zack has better body than mine – I’m not really built – but Atheria told him he was hot! She never did that when she was with me – holding my arm or poking me. She never touched me.

“Burning, eh, Alex?” Verion said from next to me.

“Kind of,” I said, still staring at the two that were still laughing.

I felt Verion shrugged. “Hard to say this, but Zack is her kind of guy.”

My head turned to her.

“But I don’t know,” she continued, “Her last ex was really easy-going while the ex before was really shy.” She shrugged again. “Shy guys attract her.”

“Do I have a chance?”

“Probably. I give you one hint: be an ass to her and she won’t ever talk to you again until she cools down, which takes her more than a month.”

I had to be really polite to her, then.

“But don’t be fake to her – she hates fake people,” she said as if she just read my mind.

“Okay,” I said.

“And don’t ever hurt her,” she said, eyes pleading and voice softened. “She’s not as tough as she looks like.”

I stared back at her, questioning. “I’ll try.”

She smiled.

“Verion! I have some skittles!” Kent shouted.

“Really?!” Verion replied and dashed off to Kent. I sighed, shaking my head at her.

Verion asked me if I liked Zack. I liked him a lot, but not more than a friend. I asked her why and she just said nothing and dashed off. Seriously, that kid had too much sugar. But she was quite unpredictable; she could be sounded so mature and a moment later she’s gonna turn into a 5 year old.

Well, Verion and I were unpredictable. Her, based on the act. Me, based on the mood.

I was sitting on the sidewalk that wasn’t too far from the parking lot at night. I was alone, until Caleb sat next to me with his cigar hung on his lips. I just stared at him. He stared back at me.

“Tell me why you have such good hair,” I said.

“You’re jealous?”

I scoffed. “If I was a guy, I’d totally take all of your hair and use it as a wig.”

He stared at me with a funny look on his face, before saying, “You freak.”

“And you love me.”

“Unfortunately, yes,” he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“You’re warm,” I commented, snuggling closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Thank you.” He took another drag of his cigar and I stared. “Stop staring.”


“I don’t know. It kinda scares me.”

“Okay I won’t be looking at you again,” I said, looking away.

“I was just kidding!” he laughed before lifting my chin. His cigar was already on the sidewalk and he had stepped on it.

“It isn’t funny,” I joked and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Real mature,” he smirked before crashing his lips onto mine.

I was shocked, but what shocked me more was that I didn’t push him away, or pulling away. I kissed him back instead, letting myself drowned into the kiss. His lips tasted bitter and sweet at a time; maybe because of the cigar.

Who would’ve thought that Caleb Michael Turman was a really, really good kisser?
♠ ♠ ♠
she's seeing other guy, emotions are stirred.