Status: Completed.

Long Rides


The forecast-thingy on radio estimated that 3 days from now, the weather wouldn’t be good, so we stayed at the hotel until the weather turned better. The guys were so nice; they even booked us a room! I love them so much!

Verion just ate a pack of Gummy Bears earlier, so she was super hyper and currently bouncing up and down our bed, making me that was sitting on the bed bouncing as well. “They” – Bounce – “Are” – Bounce – “So” – Bounce – “Cool!” And she fell down to the bed. Her body bounced twice as it met the bed.

“Who?” Vincent said, looking away from the TV to her.

“Those boys, of course!”

“Who?” he repeated.

Verion rolled her eyes. “ATL and FTSK, duh! I sometimes wonder where you put your brain,” she muttered.

“My brain is in my stomach,” Vincent replied; obviously heard what Verion had said.

“You ate it?” I asked.

“I accidentally swallowed it this morning.”

“You’re so stupid and why do I still love you?” I muttered while shaking my head.

“Because I’m a lovable guy,” he responded.

The terrace door opened and Arne went inside. He closed the door and I noticed that he was shiver and he had his arms wrapped around himself.

“It was s-so c-c-cold o-o-outside,” he stuttered and immediately went inside the blanket on the bed he shared with Vincent.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Of course, it’s almost Christmas.”

“HOLY FUCK – ARNE YOUR HANDS ARE FUCKING COLD!” Vincent shouted when Arne put his hand on Vincent’s neck. Arne only laughed.

“Get a warm bath, Arne,” Verion said.

“It will still be cold when I strip down my clothes,” Arne excused.

“Yeah but if you don’t take shower for 3 days straight this room will smell like a dead fish mixed with smelly socks,” I said.

Vincent had a funny disgusted look plastered on his face.

“That’s gross,” Verion said.

“Why I have a feeling that you’re imagining it?”

“Because I am.”

No longer after that, there was a soft knock on the door.

“I’ll get it!” Vincent exclaimed as he jumped off the bed and dashed to the door. We heard the door creaked open and a conversation running. “Athe!” Vincent called.


“Caleb’s here! He wants to take you for a walk!”

Verion and Arne chimed an ‘ooh’.

“You make it sounds like I’m his pet!” I replied as I stood up.

Vincent laughed as he went back inside. I saw the figure of Caleb standing by the doorframe. I took my Blackberry Storm on the desk and shoved it into my pocket, along with my wallet. I already had my hoodie on, so I went outside the room after saying goodbye to my friends and taking my gloves, scarf and beanie.

“Hi,” I said as I closed the door.

“Hey,” he smiled and we walked through the hallway side by side.

“Soo, where are you taking me to?” I asked.

“There’s a park nearby. Thought you might like it.”

“Might? Well, Mr. Turman, I love parks, especially when it’s snowing.”

“Glad to hear that,” he said as he pressed the elevator button.

We went to the lobby and went outside the hotel after that. It was freezing and I could see the air we were breathing. We walked toward the park as I put on my gloves, scarf and beanie. We arrived at the park around 10 minutes later, and he was right. The park was near the hotel.

We strolled around for a while, and of course, some fans asked for his autograph and asked to take a picture with him. Some even asked if I was his girlfriend, and he only laughed and answered, “We’re really close friends.”

I spotted a frozen lake with a lot of people skating on it, and I asked to him, “Do they rent skate shoes?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“Because I want to skate and I see some kind of big cabin and people are going in and out, some are using skate shoes.”

“Very nice point,” he said before taking my wrist and we sprinted to the cabin. In front of the cabin, there was a sign that said, Ice Skating Shoes Rental.

We queued to rent the skate shoes as we read the board behind the counters.

One Pair = $4 per hour!

After 5 minutes ofwasting our time queuing, we finally got our turn.

“How many pairs – OH MY GOD ARE YOU CALEB TURMAN?!” the girl behind the counter shrieked.

Caleb and I exchanged glances and he laughed a little. “Why, yes I am.”

“Oh my god it’s so cool! Are you going to skate?” she said over-excitedly. Caleb only nodded. She measured our feet to know the size of our shoes and handed our skate shoes. “Have fun!” she said.

We went to the lockers and placed our shoes and phones and wallets inside one of the lockers. We went to the benches-thingy to put on our skate shoes and we went to the frozen lake after that.

I started skating and accidentally left Caleb behind. I didn’t realize until he caught up with me.

“You don’t need to leave me!” he said.

“Oh, sorry. It’s been a long time since I haven’t skated,” I grinned.

“Really? How long?”

“About 2 years.”

“2 years and you’re still good at it? Wow. Are you born gifted or what?”

I scoffed. “Gifted?”

“Yeah. Alex told me you’re really smart. And then you’re really good at photography – your friends told us so – and then you’re so pretty and beautiful and—“

“Pretty? Beautiful?” I cut him off, stopping in my tracks. He nodded slowly. “That is the funniest joke ever. So funny that I can’t even laugh,” I said sarcastically before continuing to skate.

“No, seriously,” he caught up with me again. “You’re really pretty.”

“I never think I am. Nor do I feel like I do.”

“You should use a mirror.”

“I’ve had tons of them, thank you very much.”

“You should see your reflection in the mirror.”

“I look at my reflection every day, mister.”

He ran out of things to say. His eyes wandered around the frozen lake. He took my hand started to skate around the lake. We were skating in speed, and it was fun, I must say.

I didn’t realize it had been an hour since we started skating and I was starting to feel freezing so we stopped skating. We pulled off our skating shoes and replaced it with our shoes. We took our stuff in the locker and returned the skating shoes.

We were walking back to the hotel now. My hands were cold even though I already wore a pair of gloves. I put my palms against each other and cover my nose and mouth with them, and blew both of my palms to make it warmer.

Caleb noticed that, because he took both of my hands and warmed them with his hands.

“Thanks,” I smiled. “It’s a little bit warmer now.”

He smiled back at me and placed his hand on my cheek. “Goodness, your face is cold too!” And he pulled me into a warm hug; my face was buried into his chest.

“That’s a pretty good excuse to hug me,” I laughed against his chest. Even though I knew my face was cold too. I barely even could twitch my nose.

I was getting warmer when myass phone vibrated and the intro of the keys of Seventeen Forever by Metro Station was heard.

“Ugh, who’s calling?” I wondered as I pulled away from Caleb and took my Blackberry and answered the call after reading the caller ID. It was Vincent. “What do you want?”

I heard shuffling in the other line and he shouted, “Oh my god!” from a distance.

“Athe?” he said; now he was speaking next to his phone.


“Sorryy I pressed the wrong contact! I was about to call Ben but somehow I clicked your name. SORRY!” And he hung up.

I stared at my Blackberry. Weird. I shrugged it off and shoved it into my pocket again.

“Who was it?” Caleb asked.

“Vincent. He dialed the wrong person. He should be dialing Ben but my name was right on top of Ben’s in his contact so yeah,” I explained as we started walking again.

“Seriously, you and your friends are the most random people ever,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulder. Another attempt to make me even warmer?I hope so.

But his attempt didn’t fail at all. It did make me warmer. He’s my personal heater now.
♠ ♠ ♠
athe's outfit for that day.