Status: It's coming back :D

This Is Where It Ends

This Is The End Of My Life As I Knew It part 2

As we piled back into van I couldn't help but feel like today was the end of my life. Like I was going to find out that I'm a Father and I have to break the news to everyone. Even my parents who thought that Lilly had an abortion and her parents just lied their way through a disgrace. Why didn't she tell me that she had kept the baby when we talked on the phone? I mean I could have told Alicia before I proposed to her. "Miiiikeyyyy!" Gerard said, waving his hand in front of my face. I nodded my head as if to say yeah, he just stopped moving his hand and moved closer to me.

"You okay little brother?" He asked. I just shook my head and grabbed my i-pod out of my bag and put the headphones in my ear. I just ignored him and his constant shaking me, I just turned the volume up louder and drowned him out with the music of the Misfits. I couldn't wait to get this over with, no way was I a Dad to a sixteen year old.


I pulled my hood over my head and put my sunglasses, like most of the guys this was my "normal person" wear. I didn't want to cause a scene at a hospital. The guys walked behind me, confused as to way I asked to stop here on the way to Gerard's house. I walked to front desk and waited till the lady looked up. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Dr. Smith." I said, folding my hands together. I could feel them already starting to sweat indicating I was nervous as hell. She smiled at me and got up from her desk and walked over to me and the guys.

"Pat, can you take over while I show this young man to Dr. Smith's office." She asked the elder woman sitting right next to her. She was sipping on her coffee and shook her head yes. "Follow me." She said. I did as I was told and motioned for the guys to follow, I didn't want to do this alone. They still didn't have a clue as to why I was here, and let alone why we were at this hospital. I heard Gerard's heavy footsteps running to catch up to me. He finally caught up and grabbed my shoulder, panting heavily.

"Lay off the cigs bro." I joked.

"Ha ha. Why are we are? Does it have something to do your bipolar? Are you out of meds, is that why you've been so distant lately?" He questioned. Never really giving me time to answer such asked questions. Everytime I tried he asked a new one so I just gave up and let him ramble on. Now I know where I got it from, we probably got it from Mom. It wasn't a long walk to Dr. Smith's office, but when we got there we could hear a very intense argument. The lady who walked us here just smiled at us, but her eyes played a different story.

"I don't want to see him!" A girl screamed.

"You won't have to see him, we just have to do a DNA test to make sure he is your Father." A man argued back.

"I don't have a Father! What kind of man leaves his girlfriend when she tells him she's pregnant! Just please put me in foster care, please." The girl begged.

I looked over at the guys and flashed them a smile, while the rest of them had a concerned look on their face. "Poor girl. I wouldn't want to know my Dad if he left me ether." Ray said, the sympathy showing in his eyes.The rest of the group just silently agreed and shook their heads. Instant guilt racked my body.

"Maybe we should come back later." The lady said, quickly walking in front of us. She tried pushing us back, away from the door but with no luck. She was skinny and no muscles while she was pushing against 5 dudes, who had nothing but muscle.

"I really have to Dr.Smith today, we have an appointment." I said. The girl just sighed and breathed in a generous amount of air.

"Alright, I'll get him." She walked over to the door and knocked quietly. I knew they weren't going to hear it over the yelling. Surprisingly the door opened and a man walked out. He wore the long white coat most doctors wear, his black-shirt tucked into his nice dress pants. He looked young no older than my parents age, if that he maybe younger. He looked past the girl and a smile formed on his face. He walked out of his office and walked over to me, like he knew who I was.

"Are you Michael?" He asked. I shook my head yes and swallowed hard.

"I'm Dr. Smith, I'm sorry you had to hear all that." He said.

The door to his office opened wider and a spiting image of Lilly walked out of the room. Her curly black hair with blond highlights in the front, her striking blue eyes. They looked almost like Lilly's, could this be Lilly daughter's? Her cheeks were tear stained and her eyes were blood shot. She sniffled and just coughed slightly, running a hand through her curly hair and just leaned against the wall.

"I'm not done talking to you." She said.

"Hayley not in front of patients. I'm sorry gentlemen that you had to hear that." All of us just mumbled it's okay. The girl just shook her head and walked off, her converse squeaked against the floor as she walked away, her hair swayed behind her. Dr. Smith pulled the the lady who walked us down here, to the side. "Lisa can you take Hayley down to a room and get her a DNA test please. No matter what she says, we have to take it. Even if we have too get blood drawn, we must have it."

"Dr. Smith she's not going to let us take it. And we just can't draw blood, we'd have to force it out of her."

"I know Lisa and you feel uncomfortable doing this get Daniel to do this. I must have a DNA test in my hand before the end your shift, which ends in about an hour and thirty minutes. You better get started."
He walked back over to us and just smiled at us.

"Would you like to get this over and done with?" He asked, I shook my head. I didn't want to wait any longer than I had.He motioned for me to follow him and I told the guys to wait there, I couldn't let them find out like this. I would tell them myself I didn't want a doctor to tell them. We walked past the guys and towards an examination room.

When we reached the examination room he pulled out to cotton swabs and opened the package. "Alright now I'm just going to rub these against your cheek, it won't take longer than five seconds." I opened my mouth and let him do what he had to. When he was done he put them in a package and called for a nurse who ran into the room. "Greg could you take these down to the lab, and make sure they are getting Hayley Elwood's DNA as well. And when you've done that make sure that these tests are first." The nurse just nodded and walked out of the room.

"How long will it take for the test results to come back?" I asked.

"It will take around two weeks, maybe longer. One of our Lab techs is out on maternity leave, leaving us down to three lab techs. I'll call you when the results come in, but I'd be happy if your could stay in L.A. till then."

"I don't really know our tour schedule at the moment, but I think we have a couple weeks off."

"Well that's it you can leave if you please." Dr. Smith said, before his pager went off. I got up from the table and walked down the hall towards the house and just motioned for them to go. We walked out of the door as I ignored ever single question they threw at me.
3 weeks later

As we walked back into the hospital the guys still confused, I've kept everyone in the dark. Even my parents who demanded that I till them or they wouldn't attended mine and Alicia's wedding. I didn't budge I wasn't going to tell anyone till I positive myself. I didn't want anyone to get worried or let word slip out to Alicia. Speaking of, it was so hard not to tell her. But I didn't I kept my mouth shut and just thought of excuses when she asked what was wrong. As we walked to Dr. Smith's office my hands began to sweat and I could feel sweat pouring down my face. This was it.

I opened the door and let me and the guys inside. A girl turned around and just rolled her eyes when she noticed who it is. "Glad you could join us." Dr. Smith said, turning away from his computer. The girl just handed him back his phone and just sat Indian style in the chair. Her hair was in a ponytail and was straightened, her eyes were lined with black eyeliner, her eyelashes were covered in pink gunk. She looked so skinny and frail, like she could just blow away if the wind was was to strong. You could tall she was tall maybe my height. I took a seat next to her and the guys stood behind me. Frank closed the door and just leaned against it.

"Alright well I have the test results here and I'd-"

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, he isn't my Father." She said. Dr. Smith just ignored her and continued on.

"Anyways, what I have here in this folder are the results. Would you like me to read them to you?" He asked, I shook my head yes.

He opened the folder and a smile formed on his face. "Michael your the Father." I heard all the guys gasp behind me, and the girl burst into to tears. I couldn't for the life of me remember her name. She just let out a shaky sigh and small sob followed after that. I looked over at her and saw that her eyeliner was running down her face. I looked behind me and saw the guys' faces of disbelief.

"What is going on here Mikey?" Gerard asked.

I looked behind me and just let a tear or two fall. I took in a deep breath and just sucked it up. "Remember Lilly?" He just shook his head yes. It was impossible to forget Lilly if you lived in the Way household she was all talked about. "Well remember when her parents came over to our house?" He shook his head yes again. "They weren't moving Gerard. They came over to tell Ma and Pa that Lilly was pregnant. Her parents sent her away to Alabama for a school for girls like Lilly. But she passed away three weeks ago and I'm only the living relative that she has." I said.

"So your a Father to a sixteen year old?" Gerard asked, his face twisted in confusion.

"Yes. Lilly and I had sex when we were twelve."

"Man I sure did pick the wrong time to stop drinking." I looked around at the rest of the group and all of them had a face of disbelief still written on their faces. I turned and looked at her and felt my heart go out for her. She was just sitting in the chair sobbing her heart out to Dr. Smith. She muttered something and just sniffled. Dr. Smith looked up at me and motioned for me to go over there.

"Hayley, I'd like you to meet your Father." He said, picking her head up with his two fingers. She looked up at me and just cried even harder. My heart was swelling with love, and I didn't even know the girl. I couldn't explain it. She looked away from me and just cried into Dr. Smith's shoulder. I just sat there looking at her scared to do anything else. Dr. Smith finally got her to stop crying and got up from the floor and walked over to me.

"I know you said that you'd put her foster care, but if you would like I can adopt her. Her and my daughter have become close friends over the past three months since she's been here. She's practically like my own." I looked over at her and just shook my head no. She was a part of Lilly, a part of me. I couldn't just abounded her like this, especially now. I had to prove to her that I'm not the guy she thinks I am. That I'm not the guy that left her Mother by choice, that I can be her Father.

"I'd like to take her with me if that's okay." I said in a hushed tone. Dr. Smith just smiled and just his head yes.

"That'd be perfect, would you like to tell Hayley the good news or should I?"

"I'd like to tell her." I walked back over to her, which was just a two step movement and knelt down to her level. "Hayley," I whispered. "I'm going to be taking you home with me. I just can't leave you here, after all you are my daughter." I let sink in for awhile before I said anything else. "When we leave the hospital I'd be more than happy to take you to your house so you can get your clothes, then back to Dr. Smith's so you can say goodbye to him and his family."

She just sniffled and didn't move. I looked over at Dr. Smith who just sighed and walked over us. "Hayley you have to go with your Father, he'll take your house so you can get your stuff." He said.

"No. I want to stay with you and Bella. Please don't make me go with him. It's not fair he wasn't there for me when I really needed him. He can't just take the place of my Mom." She said, the tears still streaming down her face.

"Hayley no one is trying to take your Mothers place. He has to take you with him, he's your Father. Now get up and leave this hospital and get to know him. Take him to your house and get your belongings, and then he'll take you to my house and that way you can say good bye to Arabella." He grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the chair as she fell into him, he just his hand up and down her back. "I'll walk her out with you, that way she can't run from you." He said, I just shook my head yes. As we walked out of the his office all you could hear was Hayley protesting against this, but she knew she didn't have a choice in this.
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comments?? this was supposed to be up yesterday but my mom had to take me to the hospital. no fun. my arms are all burised up from where they had to draw blood, oh well. well hope you like it.