Watch Over Me

Happy Birthday To You

"Happy Birthday!!!" The angels along with Angelina's parents yelled.

She smiled. "Thanks so much!! Best birthday EVER!!"

The angel Michael laughed, "You say that every year."

"That's because every year tops the last!"

After the party and the presents, she went for a walk. She walked slowly and steadily along the golden streets, passing different people and angels that she knew along the way. She finally stopped at her favorite spot.

It was a stone wall next to a creek running under praise street. Everyday she came to this wall and sat looking over it. If you looked over this certain wall, you could see the Christians on earth and watch them. It was here that angel (as she was nicknamed by, you guessed it, the angels) watched over her old friend Nick.

Over the years she had seen him grow from the little six-year-old she knew, into a nice-looking young man. She smiled as she watched him today. He was talking and laughing with his friends at lunch in school. She loved seeing him happy, sometimes she remembers when she was with him and the happy times they had when they were young.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head to see God's glowing face, she smiled. You couldn't help, but to smile in his presence.

"Hello Angelina." He said,

"Good day Father"((as Christians he is our Father/Lord/King/God)) He continued and gazed over the wall with her, "Watching Nicholas, are we?" She nodded.

"He seems to be having a fine time with his friends." She nodded again and smiled at his happiness.

"Angelina", His tone had changed to a little more serious and she turned her head to look at Him. "You are aware that, it being your sixteenth birthday means you have one wish for anything you would like." She nodded. She had been thinking about that for ages. She knew what she wanted and so did most others.

"You want to see Nicholas. Don't you?" He asked, knowingly.

"Yes, more than anything." She answered.

"But you also want a mission as an angel. Am I correct?" She smiled at how well He could read minds,

"Yes, but... I can't do both."

"Well.." He started and her face brightened,

"Could I?"

"Well, Nicholas, as you know, has had some problems. He doesn't believe in himself anymore. He has friends, but doesn't confide in them because his relationship with them only goes so far, and he knows that they aren't truly his friends." She again nodded and wondered where he was going with this.

"I would like you too be his guardian angel, Angelina."

"Really?!" He nodded and chuckled slightly at her excitement. "Well of course I will, I-" But He interrupted her.

"You will not be an ordinary guardian angel though. I would like to send you to him and for you to help him and become his friend, but only for a time. When he's learned what he's meant to, your job will be finished there."

"Really?! I could talk to him, and see him?" He nodded.

She hugged his neck and clapped excitedly. "I would love to!"

"But this won't count as your wish. I want you to see everything there and think about your wish. To him you will be known as Angel. He mustn't know of your life before." She nodded and hugged him one last time.

"When do I leave?"

He smiled. "Tomorrow. You shall enter John Lambert High School and be a regular teenage girl." She smiled from ear to ear and thanked him again before running off to tell her friends and family about the assignment.


Nick's alarm clock let him know that it was 5 AM, time to start the day. He dragged himself out of bed, and went to wake his brother, Joe.

"Joe get up" He said, half asleep. Joe moaned and turned over pulling the blankets over his head. Nick hit him with a pillo.

Joe groaned. "If the sun isn't up, why should I be?",

"Because it's past 5 and you take forever to get ready!"At that Joe jumped out of bed and ran downstairs for breakfast. Nick went to shower and get dressed and before long he was at the bus stop.

The bus ride seemed to be a blur and he found himself at his locker in what seemed a matter of seconds. Every morning was this way, he would be half asleep until after homeroom. He grabbed a few books out his locker and turned to head for class, but stopped when he saw a girl walk in the front double doors.

She's beautiful He thought as he watched her walk down the hall with a schedule in her hands. She looked like she belonged, yet she was new to the school. He'd never seen her before. At least he thought he hadn't. Had he?

She looked up and locked eyes with him and the smile left her face and she stopped in her tracks.

Oh my goodness She thought to herself as she locked eyes with him. She stopped dead in her tracks. He looked even better in person. He'd changed, and yet he looked exactly the same as he did when they were six.

She quickly realized that she had been staring and looked back down at her schedule and continued walking. She passed him without looking up and went into the homeroom that she had been assigned to. The bell rang and everyone else scrambled in after her and took their seats. She thought it to be funny that she had Nick's homeroom.

He took the seat next to hers and Angelina listened intently as the teacher spoke.
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new story! Tell me how you like it!
Be sure to read my other stories!
My Rockstar Dad
The Trouble is Unloving You
Don't Think, Just Fall