Watch Over Me

Take Me There

I walked into my homeroom and saw that this mysterious girl was there. I smiled to myself and took the seat next to hers. She glanced at me as I sat down. She then turned to listen as our teacher began speaking, but I wasn't paying much attention. I was too busy studying her.

Her hair was a dark brown and it fell on her shoulders framing her face perfectly. She had a flawless complexion and deep brown eyes that I could get lost in. Her style was simple. It seemed to consist of t-shirts and skinny jeans with the occasional vintage-wear. She was an average height, around 5'5 maybe?

I didn't know how long I had sat there, but within what seemed like seconds the bell rang sending students across campus to their first period classes.

The girl stood up quickly and gently grabbed her books in one hand and walked swiftly out the door and to her next class. I followed suit and soon saw that she had my next class also.
I again smiled to myself and took the seat next to hers.
As I sat down, she didn't glance at me like before but just kept her head down, studying her schedule.

I walked into my first period class and took a seat hear the front. Nick followed me and again took the seat next to mine.

I didn't look up, I merely smiled to myself.

I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder and looked up into the eyes of my child-hood friend Nicholas, "Can I help you?" I asked.

He smiled, "Um yes, I wanted to know your name".

"My name's Angel, what's your's?" As if I didn't know.

"Jonas, Nick Jonas" he replied with a cheeky grin and sticking his hand out which I shook.

I let out slight laugh, "mm, well, Mr. Jonas, is there anything else I can help you with?"

He started to shake his head, "no, that's all I need right now" I nodded slightly and turned back to listen to the teacher who had just walked in.

The bell rang, signaling second period and I stood and took my books in one hand and walked down the hallway to my locker.

I placed the books I held n the top shelf and took two other books and shut my locker only to see a boy's face behind.

This startled me and I jumped, "O goodness, you scared me. Can I do something for you?"

He smiled.
"Well, ya. I was just wondering if I could have your name?"

I laughed slightly. "My name's Angel"

He kept the smile on his face and stuck out his hand, "Derek, Derek Venturi"

I shook his hand, "Well, it was nice meeting you Derek, but I must be going"

I started to walk away, but he stopped me. "uh, wait!" he gently grabbed my arm.

I turned top face him, "Yes?",

"Um, I was wondering if I could get your number and if you would maybe wanna go out sometime?" He asked with hopefulness hidden in his voice.

I gave him a small smile, "oh, I'm sorry, but no. I don't date",

His face fell a little. "Oh I understand, um, well, I'll see you around angel" he said before walking away.

I felt a little bad for turning him down, but I had a mission to complete.

Later at lunch, a girl (Demi Lovato) came up to me when i walked in.

"Are you the girl who turned down Derek Venturi?" I nodded.

"Wow, you've got nerve, but I'm glad some girl finally told him no, what's your name?" ,

"My name's Angel, but what do you mean finally?" ,

"well, all the girls in our school love him because he's 'hott' , but he's a jerk" ,

"Oh okay, what's your name?" , she smiled and shook my hand, "Amanda".

I smiled, "Cool" I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Nick.

"Oh, Hi Nick"

he smiled, "I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my brothers"

I nodded and smiled, "Sure, just let me finish here ok?"

he nodded, "Ok we'll be over there" he pointed to a table in the center of the lunch room and

I nodded before he walked away.
I turned back to Amanda and she was wide-eyed.

"What?" I asked.

"You've already met the Jonas's?"

I nodded.

"ooh, you go girl!",

"What?" I asked confused.

"They are the hottest and most popular people at Lambert High, you've already started a good rep, have fun at lunch" she said before walking off.

I shrugged and walked over to where Nick and his brothers were sitting.
I walked up and set my lunch tray down next to Nick and two other boys, who looked a good few years older than us.

She walked up and set her tray down.
As she did this I saw Joe's eyes travel from her face, down to her feet, and back up again.
Great, 5 seconds and he's already checking her out, I thought.
He stared for like a whole minute.

"Joe, Kevin" As I said this Joe snapped out of it, "Guys this is Angel, Angel these are my brothers"

She smiled, "Hi" she thrust her hand out towards Joe and he shook it. She did the same to Kevin and he looked like he was thinking about something. She sat down next to me.

"So meet anyone besides us yet?" I asked.

"Um, I met a girl named Amanda"

Joe looked up, "really? She's kinda hott"

Angel smirked. "Yes, and I met some guy named Derek"

Joe, Kevin and I all stopped eating and looked up, staring at her.

She didn't notice and continued eating and talking, "He asked me out"
I had been drinking something and I spit it out and started coughing.

She looked up with a concerned face, "Nick are you ok?" She put a hand on my shoulder and I felt immediate peace. It was weird, but I immediately stopped coughing.

"um, ya I'm fine, it's just um, did you mean Derek venturi?"

She nodded, and Joe spoke this time, "You said no, right?"

She nodded. "Is he really that much of a jerk, because everyone's telling me that I should've said no" ,

"well ya, just be careful, some of the guys in our school aren't that respectful of girls"

She nodded as if she was taking our advice.

Kevin had still been looking at her intently, "um, are you sure we haven't met before?" he asked.
I froze, but quickly recovered, "Um no, I- I don't think so"

He nodded and I sighed in relief.
That was close.
Lunch went by pretty quick and so did school.

"Hey want us to take you home?" Kevin asked.

I shook my head, "Um no that's okay, I like to walk, plus it's kinda far" ,

"Well if it's so far why do you walk?" asked Joe.

"Because I enjoy the fresh air and the outdoors"

They nodded. "Ok well see you around" Nick said before they all walked off to Kevin's car.

I sighed and walked wherever God told me to go.

Us guardian angels are supposed to go undercover and invisible and stay with the person we are 'guarding'. In probably a half-hour, i found myself in front of a really nice house.

"Is this the place God?" I asked looking up. I looked at the driveway and spotted Kevin's car,

"I guess it is".
I went invisible and walked through the garage door and the back wall before finding myself in the dinning room.
I saw a beautiful lady that I remembered to be Mrs. Jonas. It was nice to see her again. She was washing dishes.

"Frankie, could you come here for a second?" I heard her say.

I heard pounding footsteps and then i saw a small boy about 7 or 8. "Yes, mommy?", He asked in a very cute little kid voice.

I smiled.

"Honey could you take this grocery list up to Kevin and ask him to go buy them for me?" the little boy known as Frankie nodded and took the list, running upstairs.
I took this as an opportunity to get to know the house.
I followed Frankie up the stairs and saw him scurry down the hall and open a door and say something before Kevin came out and went down the stairs and out the door.
Frankie moved to another door that I was standing in front off and opened it. There sat Nick at a desk, I looked across the room to see Joe doing the same at his own desk.
They looked like they were studying.

"Joe will you play with me?" Frankie begged.

Joe stood, "Sure little man" he walked across the hall to what I guessed was Frankie's room. I stepped inside Nick's room and sat on his bed, watching him.
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Hope you guys like it so far!
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And don't forget to read my new story!