Watch Over Me

Caught Up In You

I watched as he scribbled down answers or whatever he was doing. I didn't have to do the homework. As long as I took notes and paid attention in class, it would be provided for m in my backpack every morning. I know. I'm lucky, right? He frustratedly slammed down his pencil and huffed through clenched teeth. I, knowing he couldn't feel me, set a hand on his shoulder, comfortingly. He immediately relaxed and sighed, picking up his pencil and writing again. I smiled and in a few minutes he closed his books and placed them back into his backpack. He plopped himself down, laying on his bed and took the place beside him. We looked up at the ceiling for a few minutes.

"Angel" I heard him say, just above a whisper. "Why can't I stop thinking about her?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why couldn't he stop thinking about me?

"Hey Nick?" Joe said from the doorway. "Dinner's ready"

Nick sighed and nodded before getting up and walking downstairs. I followed them and watched as they all sat at their places in the dining room. I decided to jump up and sit on the counter top. They said a prayer and then began eating.

"So, what's Angel like?" Joe asked starting the conversation. Oh yay! I get to hear them talk about me! I thought.

"Yeah, she seems nice" Kevin added.

"Who's Angel?" Denise put another question in.

"Yeah, she is nice" Nick answered. "She's the new girl at school, but it's weird. Like I can't get her out of my head. She's different" I frowned. "But in a good way" he added taking a bite of his food. I sighed and smiled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"OOH! Joe's got a crush on Angel!" Joe sang and I blushed, letting out a giggle. I gasped and covered my mouth, forgetting they could hear me. All of their heads whipped around to look in my direction. I froze and my breath shortened.

"Wow creepy" Frankie said, lifting the tension in the room. They, thankfully, went back to the current conversation.

"Nicholas" Paul said warningly. "You've no time to get involved with girls now. You've got to focus your attention on that football scholarship"

"Yeah, and leave Angel to me" Joe said, pointing fork at nick and then popping his collar. I frowned.

"Yeah. Right dad" Nick mumbled with his head down.

Was this why he was unhappy? I asked my self. It wasn't long until dinner was over and they all went their separate ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter may be a little short, but it's a chapter none the less.
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p.s. this chapter is dedicated to Live.Love.Lina who gave me the first comment on my story!