Watch Over Me

So Close

It's 2am and here I am. In the Jonas's kitchen. Eating double chocolate chunk ice cream. Out of the carton. With a BIG spoon.
What? Angels may not have to sleep, but they have to eat. I'm watching some show called Hannah Montana. I personally don't understandd the concept of it all. Why doesn't she just tell everyone who she is? She would have way less stress. I got bored so I changed the channel. Hmmm... The Secret Life of The American Teenager. Sounds good.
I glanced at the clock and saw that it was now almost 5am. I turned off the TV and threw out the empty carton of ice cream before making my way up the stairs. I saw Nick walking out of the bathroom and into his room, so I followed him. He rummaged threw his drawers and picked out an outfit for the day and went to shower. I took this oppurtunity to observe Joe. His hair was unbelievably messy and his mouth was hanging open, allowing drool exit of his mouth. I raised my eyebrows and stifled a laugh as he was hanging half-off the bed. One leg touching the floor, the other under blankets on his bed. One arm over hi head, the other hanging Oh-So-Gracefully off the side of his bed. I sat for about 10 minutes just staring at him out of boredom. Not that I got bored of looking at him, but surely you know what I mean.

I was about to move on to something else in the room when Nick walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist. My breath caught in my throat. His toned chest glimmered from the water and his wet curls dripped.

"Joe get up" he said, throwing a pillow at his brother. Joe groaned, but threw the blankets off of himself, which reveiled his snoopy boxers. I was beggining to think that I would never get my breathe back. Joe stumbled out and I heard the shower start back up again. I sighed and let out my breathe as Nick closed and locked the door. He pulled out a pair of underwear and I fiddled with my fingers.

He. dropped. his. towel.

My eye widened and I tried with all my being not to look, but it was just so hard. I would have to ask forgiveness for this later. He slipped himself into his clothes and I again got my breathe back. His curls were mostly dried and shook them and ran his hands through his hair before looking in the mirror, which I so happened to be in front of. When I looked into the mirror, I was surprised to see myself and Nick. I gasped and he whipped his head around. I moved and he looked again to see that I wasn't in the mirror this time.

He shook his head. "Great. Now I'm seeing things"

I sighed. That was close.
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VERY SHORT! But It is a chapter.
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-Taylor xo