Watch Over Me

It's Just A Sad Picture

I followed Nick silently to school in my invisible self. He quietly walked, never saying a word. I wondered what he thought, but only God could read thoughts.

He sighed and shook his head, kicking a pebble in his path. Something troubled him, I could feel his tension. I couldn't tell what it was, but I desperately wanted to know.

Finally walking into school, I went into a stall in the girls' bathroom and turned visible again before walking out into the halls.

I went into the first period class and found a seat near the front, feeling Nick's presence behind me, yet again. I smiled to myself and opened my binder to a blank page to take notes on.


After a few classes I went into lunch and saw Nick waving me over again towards his lunch table. I smiled his way, but spotted Amanda at a corner table.

I held up a finger, signaling him to wait a moment and ran over to Amanda and her friend.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey!" she said. "What's up?"


"Oh this is Dana, Dana this is Angel." she introduced.

I smiled at the girl in front of me. She had dark brown hair and her skin had a sun kissed glow. She smiled back.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to come sit with me and the Jonas's?" I asked.

They looked at each other and nodded before following me over.

"Hey Angel!" Joe said.

I smiled. "Hey Joe! This is Amanda and Dana." I said.

He smiled and shook Dana's hand and then Amanda's. The two made eye-contact and she cracked a slight smile as he did the same.

I cleared my throat and they pulled their hands away from each other, both a tad embarrassed.

I smiled and sat next to Nick and we conversed amoungst ourselves.

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, ba

"Hello?" Nick interupted his phone's ring tone as he answered it.

"Dad, I can't."
"No, I have a writing session."
He huffed. "Alright, bye." He snapped his phone shut and went back to eating.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Dad wants me to skip my music session to see the coach and him about some football scholarship this afternoon, but it's no biggy." he sighed. and turned back to his food.

This reaction wasn't very reassuring to me, but I let it go for the time being and talked with the others until the bell rang, signaling the next class.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is going very slowly, but it's going.
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And check out my new story, [url]"Three Musicians" in Spain[/url=]
-Taylor ox