Mistakens Happen


Today was the a big day for me. Today was the day that my dream career started. Teaching...not just any kind of teaching, but music. I was a creative writing music teacher...if that makes any sense. It's bascially a vocal class where you learn to write your own songs and i was extremely excited for this.
"Angel, wake up sweetie. Get ready for daycare"
"Can daddy help me?" she asked in a sleepy voice.
"Yeah, let me go wake him up" I kissed her forehead and walked into the master bedroom and sat on the bed next to the snoring, sleeping figure.
"Babe" I said rubbing his back.
"Huh?" he said, his voice muffled because of his pillow.
"Angel wants you to help her get ready" He rolled over, opening his eyes in the process, and stretched slowly sitting up.
"Kay" he said with a ywan, then wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
"Do you work today?"
"Yeah, I open shop at 10. What school are you teaching at again?"
"Peterson's Academy" (A/N: I don't know if that's a real school. I was watching the news about some guy with the last name Peterson)
"I went there"
"Yeah, and I'm sure my brothers do too" he said in a low tone, making me feel guilty.
"I'm really sorry things happened this way"
"It's okay, it was my fault too" He kissed me and I scrunched my face up playfully in disgust.
"What's wrong?"
"Morning breath" I said fanning my nose. He rolled his eyes and I kissed his cheek and told him I was kidding.
"I'm pick Angel up after work, and the school gets out around 2:50" I grabbed my bag.
"Kay, I'll see you when I get off, I love you"
"I love you too" I started walking out of the door but stopped. "Oh yeah, for dinner we're having seafood alfredo"
"Katelyn you really need to go before you're late"
"Okay, I'm going. Tell Angel to behave and that I love her"
"Will do sergeant" he said saluting me.
The bell rang and the class filled up with talkative teenagers.
"Okay everybody calm down. I'm Miss Rogers. But call me Miss R, please" I took role quickly, noting one person wasn't there. "Are there any questions?" A girl in the front row rose her hand. "Yes?"
"How old are you?"
"And you're already a teacher?"
"Yeah, I graduated college when I was 19" A guy rose his hand.
"Are you single?" That caused the whole class to laugh.
"No, I'm not. I have a boyfriend and we have a daughter, sorry"
"How old is your daughter?"
"She is three, any other questions?" The door burst open and guy stumbled in out of breath. He had raven colored hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"Sorry I'm late" He said out of breath. I grabbed the role sheet.
"You must be...I scanned the attendance....Joseph Jonas. Wait Jonas?"
"Uh, yeah"
"Take a seat" He nodded and sat in the back. "As we all know, this is not only a creative writing class, but a vocal calss too. So, I want to hear what you all got." I looked around the class. "Joseph, since you were late why don't we start with you" He stood up very hestiantly.
"Um, what do you want me to sing?"
"Anything you want" He cleared his throat.
"They come and go,
but they don't know
That you are my, beautiful
I try to come
closer to you
but they all say we won't make it through" He sang and sat down. I clapped followed by the rest of the class.
"For someone tardy on the first day, you have an amazing vocals"
"Thanks" he said blushing. I nodded and went back to picking people to sing.
- We were done and there was still 5 minutes left class.
"Okay, everyone just talk amongst yourself until class is over" A girl raised her hand.
"Can you sing for us?" 'Yeah' the rest of the class chorused.
"Okay" I went to the piano located in the corner of the room.
"Okay, my daughter watches Disney so this is one of her favorite Disney stars, Demi Lovato and the song is Trainwreck" I started playing the song and sung. After I finished the class clapped.
"You're better than Demi, Miss R" I blushed.
"Thanks" The bell rang. "Okay everyone have a good day, but Joseph please stay" Once the class emptied Joseph sat in a seat in the front.
"Was your song orginial? I've never heard it before"
"Yeah, me and my brothers wrote it"
"Why were you late?"
"My car wouldn't start and the bus already came and my parents left so I had to run here"
"Okay, just make sure it doesn't happen again" He nodded. "Now get out of here" He smiled and left. I let out a huge breathe of air. One class down, three to go.
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