I Found Her at the Door

At two years old a mysterious basket fell into the life of two year old, Jared Leto, carrying a nameless baby girl. Fearful of the childs well-being his mother takes the baby in as her own, naming her Elizabeth. Elizabeth (Izzy) grows up in the Leto's care, never knowing but always wondering who her real parents were.
(note: She knows that she is of no relation to Jared so it's not going to get all incesty.)
Jared and Izzy are now in high school and though they do not entirely realize it yet, their feelings are becomming entwined into eachother.
Shannon Leto was always jealous of his older brother, having spent his entire life in the shadow of the family favorite. He too falls in love with Izzy but his love eventually becomes his downfall.
  1. Knock Knock
    Jared discovers that the thing at the door is actually a girl.
  2. 14 Years Later
    Lizzy starts high school with Jared.