I Found Her at the Door

14 Years Later

Jared stood impatiently outside the door tapping his foot unfomfortably. Ten minutes passed and still he stood, waiting... waiting. It was now close ot seven o'clock in the morning and he REALLY had to pee.

"GOD DAMNIT IZZY! OPEN THE DOOR MY DICK IS GOING TO FALL OFF, I HAVE TO PEE SO BAD!" He yelled desperately while flinging his body against the door. Not only did he have to pee, but they were late. Really late. School started in a half hour and the bus would be comming in only ten minutes.
Constance yelled from up the stairs "Watch your mouth, boy! Izzy, hurry up!"

In the bathroom, Izzy was frantically going through every item of makeup she owned in an attempt to find what she needed to perfect her delicate face. She shifted through everything in the bag but the jumbled mess made it difficult to pick out a certain thing. That one certain thing she could never leave the house without.
Frustrated, she turned the bag over and let it all fall onto the counter. Lipstick, gloss, shadows, nail polish, blush, then finally the item she was looking for. Eyeliner.
"HAH!" She yelled victoriously. "Youu cannot hide from me you little shit."

From outside the door Jared's muffled voice entered the bathroom, "Good job! Now get out. Really, everyone looks like dirty ass on their first day."
"Bite me." Izzy scowled.
"I have to piss!"
Izzy turned on the faucet and returned to her eyeliner. Outside the door Jared mumbled, "Bitch."

Izzy applied her black eyeliner as carefully as possible, leaving no smudges and adding shape to her round eyes. Pointed on either side, and heavily set to contrast their bright green glow. Satisfied with the results she took three steps back to admire herself in the mirror.

Dark auburn hair hung loosely against her face, bangs angled to be longer over her left eye. A blonde streak ran down the right side of her hair, through a black bow she neatly pinned below the hair she had backbrushed. Her sleek, straight hair lay atop her shoulders.

Though she was pale, her skin was smooth and clear. No acne nor blemishes apeared anwhere on her being and her face was long and thin, but not as if she was plagued with anorexia. She was tall for her age, almost six feet, and with her height came a model's body. She was lucky to be blessed with such a figure at 15, very lucky.

Today, Izzy was going to be different, she would step out of her shell and try something new. Before today her wardrobe consisted of merely band tee's and jeans; Nothing spectacular, eyecatching, nor flirty. But today was her day to change.
She would be entering a school knowing no one but Jared and Shannon so the time for a beautiful first impression was ripe.
Today, Izzy wore a black and white plaid skirt - one that she'd had for years but never even thought of wearing - and a plain white wife beater under a fitted black hoodie which bore the Misfits logo.

Izzy inspected herself up and down to make sure nothing was out of place. The skirt was evenly pleated, the shirt was not wrinkled, and the sleeves of her hoodie reached the tip of her thumb. All in all, she didn't remember a time when she looked better then this.

Suddenly there was a loud crash against the door, bringing Izzy out of her daze. Then Jared's voice was heard again, "Come onnnnnn. I just peed a little! I don't care if you're naked just let me in."

Izzy laughed and turned off the still running faucet then slowly drew a nervous breath as she opened the door. What would he think of me? She asked herself, I've never worn a skirt or done my hair in such a way. But the moment of truth had already come. She could no longer hide behind the comfort of her bathroom door.
Jareds face finally came into view. Initially, he looked as if in despair cupping his groin and bouncing up and down like a psycho. But as the door opened and he saw Izzy standing there, all traces of discomfort vanished from his face.

"You're wearing a skirt." He pointed out, blankly.
"Umm, yeah." Izzy replied with an unsure glance. Shit, shit, fuck, fuck. He doesn't like it. I knew I should have worn jeans.
"YOU are wearing a skirt?" He asked, now suddenly suprised.
"Are you okay?"
Izzy glared at him. "I'm fine, douchebag. Don't girls wear skirts?"
"Yeah but... Since when did you decide to be a girl?" Jared replied with a smirk.
"I hate you." She stated while shoving past him to head in the direction of the kitchen. "And by the way," She turned around, "you peed yourself."

Izzy turned back and once more walked in the direction of the kitchen. Behind her was the sound of a small shreik followed by the slamming of the bathroom door.
I can't believe him. She thought. "Since when did you decide to be a girl?" Prick.

Izzy sighed and stared at her feet.

Jared had a history of treating her as if she was one of the guys. Sometimes it seemed that he didn't even realize the fact that she is actually a woman. The two would always sit in his room listening to music and playing video games that she didn't even like, only pretending to be interested. If he had his few friends over she would be sitting on the couch with them watching crappy horror movies. They wrestled and sang together, acted like their favorite cartoon or movie characters, and cooked disgusting concoctions in the kitchen to see who would actually eat it. For years the two had been like best friends but not once did he ever acknowledge her as a part of the female sex. This always seemed to upset Izzy in the depest of ways.

"You look beautiful!" Shannon exclaimed happily as Izzy entered the kitchen.
"Huh?" She asked. Izzy was far too deep in her thoughts to have heard him.
"I said you look beautiful." He smiled.
Izzy giggled a bit. "Thank you, Shannon." She replied.
"No problem. I saved you some pancakes."
"No thanks... I'm a little too nervous for food."
"Yeah, me too." Shannon mumbled while picking at his food.

Izzy and he were the same age and today, both would be starting high school with Jared.

Shannon was always very nice to Izzy. He comforted her when she was sad, watched romantic comedies and ate ice cream with her, taught her how to play guitar - poorly, and he seemed to be the comforting brother she never had. They were both in the same boat, getting most of their sadness from problems related to Jared. For Izzy it was more psychological but for Shannon it was physical. Jared was always pushing him around, punching, yelling. Everyone got along quite well but brothers will be brothers. Either way, Izzy and Shannon understood eachother in a way that only the closest of sibblings could - even though they weren't related.

Just then, Constance came running into the kitchen and screamed "The bus is here! RUN!"

Immediately, Shannon dropped his fork and frantically rushed out the door forgetting both his schedule and his bookbag. Izzy grabbed both, as well as hers, and soon followed.

As she got through the door the yellow bus loomed into view and with every following step came a blast of panic. Closer. What if I don't make any friends?
Closer. What if my teachers suck?
Closer. What if its hard?
Closer. Maybe I'll be taller then everyone...
Finally she was on the bus. The door closed behind her with a loud creak. All eyes seemed to stare up at her, through her, judging.
Izzy began walking down the isle toward Shannon who was waving, violently, to get her attention. With every seat she passed a pair of eyes would follow her.
i've only gotten on the bus and I already feel the social glare... She thought.

"Thanks for bringing my stuff..." Shannon said, bashfully.
"Anytime. Can I see your schedule?" Izzy asked while sitting down next to him.

Izzy rolled out Shannon's schedule and compared it to hers.

Shannon Leto, First Semester Schedule
Period 1-2 - C111 - Integrated Math 1 - Mrs. Brinkley
Period 3-4 - C202 - Physical Science - Mr. Gross
Period 5-6 - B111 - Photography & Design - Mr. Keller
Period 7 - B102 - Introduction to Spanish - Mrs. Cavalaro
Period 8 - Library - Study Hall

Lizzy Carper, First Semester Schedule
Period 1-2 - C111 - Integrated Math 1 - Mrs. Brinkley
Period 3-4 - C105 - English 9 - Mr. Pody
Period 5-6 - B112 - Film Making & Web Design - Mrs. Kay
Period 7 - Library - Study Hall
Period 8 - B102 - Introduction to Spanish - Mrs. Cavalaro

"Well... At least we have first period together." Izzy said in a dissapointed tone.
"Yeah. Oh well, we might have lunch together." Shannon replied.
"I hope so."

There was a long pause.

"Hey, Izzy?"
"Where's Jared?