Welcome to Mibba

Welcome to Mibba

As I stood there with a pistol in my face, the words that came from the enraged male were heavy.

"ready to die kid?"

as i stood there, fedora on head, and whip in hand, I stared into his dark, bloodthirsty eyes and said. "Try me."

As he pulled the hammer of his pistol back, with lightening fast speed, i flung out my whip, and cracked it around his wrist, disarming the man.

As quickly as i cracked the whip, I reached for the handgun, and aimed it to his chest.


As i pulled the trigger, a loud blazing sound rang through my ears. As i woke from my sleep, I picked up the phone.

"Ash? Are you awake yet?"

"I am now..."

"What the hell! It's 2 in the afternoon, you lazy fuck!"

"And im supposed to care, when?"

"Just.. Nevermind, is your computer on?"

"Yea, why?"

"Get on it, I wanna show you this website."

"Mikey... Did you honestly, wake me up, to show me a website."

"pretty much, yea."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Dont you dillweed! Just hear me out, now get off your lazy ass, and get on the internet."

"Fine... No need to be rude."

As I got out of my bed, i walked over to my computer, which was on the opposite wall.

"now what?"

"Go to Mibba.com."

"what in the hell is a Mibba?" I quickly commented.

"Just do it."

As i put in the sites url, the site caught my eye, a strange feeling of interest invaded my mind.

"Okay, it looks cool, what is it?"

"It's a community for nerds like you."

"Be more specific?"

"It's like myspace, with more friendly people. Oh, and you can post your nerd stories."

"Really now..."

"You're welcome."

Before i could say thanks, mikey hung up on me. Now left by myself, with this strange new website, i decided to make a profile.
♠ ♠ ♠
This ACTUALLY happened! This is my story of finding this website.

Hope you find it funny :p