Owl Eyes

Chapter 3

"I'm sorry." I jumped up off the sofa and looked at where the voice was coming from.
It was Mitchel. He looked really sad. "I can't do this anymore."

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him a little confused. Suddenly, I knew what he was saying. "No! They can't do this!"

"Yes they can, they are in charge. I can't just do what I want. It only makes sense. Plus, they feel like you're old enough to take care of yourself now."

"How can you say it makes sense, because to me, it doesn't." I was on the verge of crying now. But didn't, not in front of him. He always told me that showing to much emotion of sadness meant that you were weak. I didn't want to be week. Not if he was after me.

"It makes sense because we aren't supposed to be allies. Our kind hate each other."

"How could you say that! It's not in a rule book that we are supposed to hate each other."

"It doesn't need to be, it's perfectly clear!" He began to yell. It sent my spine shaking. "Just except that fact!" Mitchel was nearly in my face now. His gentle brown eyes weren't gentle anymore. His soft dark blond hair was now full of sweat. I moved closer to his face.

"I'll only except it if I hear the words."

"What words?" He was now the one who looked confused.

"I hate you', say it." He hesitated for a moment.

"If that's what it takes for you to accept it, I do hate you." And just like that, he disappeared
into the floor. I fell to my hands and knees and yelled at the floor.

"You were supposed to help me!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My eyes felt like they were bleeding, but on the floor was only a puddle of tears. "You're supposed to protect me!" After that my legs and arms gave in, and I collapsed onto the ground beneath me. I curled into a little ball and let the darkness around me close in on me. A few minutes later someone had picked me up by the arms.

My eyes were foggy from all the crying I was doing. My cheeks were numb, so I couldn't tell if I was still. I just stood there, facing the blurry figure, letting it examine me. It's hands began to wipe my face, and it's fingers pushed the hair out of my damp face. My eyes began to focus. Mason. My knees began to feel weak.

"How much have you seen?

"Everything. I'm sorry." Just as I was about to fall again, he caught me from under the arms and pulled me to him. His arms then wrapped around me and he began to hold me real tight. It was happening again, I was beginning to like him.

You can't like him, you only just met him! I couldn't help the feeling.

"I know we just met, but I'm here for you. I always will be. I won't let anything happen, he will never touch you. I'll do what ever I can to protect you and make you safe." And I did feel safe. I knew, somehow, that he meant those words. And he wasn't the kind of guy to back down. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you." After that, we walked and sat down on the sofa and began to watch some Law&Order. I loved that show so much, but he said that he didn't find it all that great. Yet, he seemed to be really into it. Slowly, my eyes began to fall, and I fell asleep.

"When I woke up, my head was resting on something really comfortable, but it was moving at a slow pace. I looked up and saw that it was Mason. He was laying down on the sofa with one arm under his head, and the other was around me. I noticed that my head was resting on his stomach. I also noticed that I had a blanket over me.

His shirt was slightly shoved up a little, and I saw some of his veins. I looked back up at him, he was still sleeping. I moved my hand up and my fingers began to trace the patterns of his veins. Then, so gently, his hand caught mine, and he began to laugh.

"That tickled a little bit." I looked back up at him and he was smiling at me with his eyes still closed. Then they fluttered open.