Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

Déjà Vu.

Frank’s Point of View
It was Monday.
I only had a week left in England, but everything was going okay. Sazzy felt loads better about everything, and to me, that was all that really mattered.
But today, today she wanted us to see Shine, her elder sister. And she wanted to tell her, before her mother did.
“Fucking hell,” I mumbled, rubbing my head as I waited at a set of traffic lights, getting worked up.
“This one will be okay, Frankie. Shine’s… reasonable,” Sazzy ensured, rubbing my arm. I nodded, smiling a little at her, before moving the car at the green light.
Sazzy insisted that we go and tell Shine. Because they get on so well, and she claimed she was actually excited to tell her. She did say that she didn’t want to get her hopes up too much, though.
“You and Shine get along quite well, too,” she had said, trying to persuade me, this time. I just sighed, nodding in agreement.

“Alright… it’ll be okay. I promise. She knows we’re coming, so she got her husband out of the house. Don’t let her know that you know about that, by the way,” Sazzy explained, smoothing out the creases in my plain white t-shirt, my arms draped loosely around her waist. I tilted her head up to face me with two fingers, her eyes on mine.
“Are you alright?” I asked, stroking her cheek with my thumb. She sighed, nodding, a small smile on her face.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just… a little nervous, I guess.”
I smiled widely at her, leaning down and softly pecking at her lips, tightening my hold on her and letting her head rest on my shoulder.
“Let’s go, then.”

Shine’s house was in Woodingdean, which is kind of like a suburb in Brighton. All the houses there were huge, and known to be a nice, homely, quiet area.
On her road, there were only eight houses – four on each side. She lived at number eight.
We had to walk down a narrow, long set of concrete steps, leading us at her front door.
“Sazzy, Frank! I’ve missed you guys,” Shine gushed as she opened the door, a bright smile on her face. Sazzy grinned back, hugging her sister. Shine grabbed me into a hug after, and then lead us into the house, shutting the door.
She ushered us into the door on the right, which was a large living room, with two three-seated sofas fitting in nicely, a single sofa in one of the corners of the room, next to a telephone and fax machine.
I sat on one end of a sofa, Sazzy occupying the space next to me, and Shine taking a seat on the other sofa.
“So, what can I do for you guys? You sounded a little… off on the phone, Sazzy,” Shine said, her forehead creased in slight worry. Sazzy just smiled at her, shaking her head.
“I… it’s just… we want – need to tell you something,” she started, her eyes darting to me for a split second. I didn’t say anything.
“Oh. What is it?”
“Umm… well… me and Frank… we’re kinda… a couple.”
Shine didn’t say anything for a while.
Fuck, I thought, this shit is like déjà vu.
“A couple…?” Shine said, frowning a little. It didn’t look like a disappointed frown, though, more like a surprised frown.
“Y-Yeah…” Sazzy mumbled, looking down into her lap.
“Aww, hun, it’s alright! To be really honest, I did kind of see it coming. I mean… you… Well, can I just ask… how serious are you?” Shine said, leaning over and placing a hand on Sazzy’s, a reassuring smile on her face.
“I love him,” she whispered, smiling a little. Shine’s gaze caught my own for a while, and I grinned.
“I love her, too.”
She was ecstatic at my answer.
“Oh, my god, you both… aw, I just… Frank, pass me a tissue, please,” Shine cried in a high pitched tone, her eyes suddenly welling up, as she pointed over to the box of tissues on the coffee table in front of me. I chuckled, passing her one.
“Thank you. Gosh, does Mum know?” she said, looking at me for the answer. I nodded, Sazzy verbally answering.
“Naturally, she’s not happy about it.”
“Humph. Her old-fashioned shit, that’s why. It’s a load of bollocks. She just thinks that you’d be better off living like a girl with no life, ending up with a guy of her choice. Ignore her, kids, seriously. I wish I did,” she mumbled the last part, scowling.
“Well. You’ve got me on your side.”

About two hours later, we left Shine’s place. We’d told her everything – how long we’ve been together, the whole issue with me being in Jersey, how ripped up we were and still are, and… well, just everything.
She was amazingly supportive, and claimed that she’ll be there for everything and anything we needed.
Just for her saying that, I felt indebted but extremely grateful to her. Just for saying that to us, made me feel like everything was going to be easier, that everything wasn’t going to be as hard.
I felt like the world was off my shoulders.
For a while, at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
I’m going to apologise for a shitty authors’ note now, because… I just am. Sorry.
I don’t think I’ll be able to keep updating once a week anymore, as its exam time and my GCSE’s are frankly more important right now. I’m not really saying that this is going on hiatus just that updates are likely to be a lot slower, but will be on Fridays, meaning that I might miss a week or two out or something.
Also, I really don’t think I’m not getting many comments as I think I should – I get about six/seven (love you guys) and there’s a good 40 subscribers.
Anyways, I’ll end there, and hopefully update within the next two weeks or so.