Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

Two Years.

Overall, it’s been around two years since I’ve seen Frank.
Today was the day of our Prom. This was it – I was done with college, and all I had left was University, which I hadn’t yet applied for. I thought I’d do well with a gap year.

“C’mon, babe,” Sydface pleaded, shoving me a little as I groaned, rolling onto my side, facing away from her.
“Sazzy!” she grumbled, and I could tell she was pouting, her arms crossed.
“Look,” I started, “I’ll help you get ready, but I’m not going.”
“… Why not?! It won’t be the same without you!” she mumbled, annoyed, as she poked me in the back. I was lying in bed, having been rudely awoken by Syd, who started begging me to come to Prom. I had said that I didn’t want to go, because it’ll be weird and… uncomfortable.
Katie had a date – this guy called Ben that we all knew a little, and Sydney and Charley were going together. I’d be like a third wheel.
“No… I’ll probably get Josh to come over to watch a movie or something,” I said, rubbing my eyes, and sitting up.
“Sazzy! Please!” she whined, climbing over me, sitting on me.
“Sydney! Ahh, you’re killing me!” I cried, trying to shove her off me, but to no avail.
She grinned evilly.
“I am not getting up unless you say that you’re coming!” she declared.
I heard a sharp click, craning my neck to see who came in.
“Sydney… What - no, why are you molesting Sazzy?” Charley asked, confused. He was just in his boxers, having just woken up.
“I’m getting her to come to Prom,” she said smartly, smiling at him. He nodded, an eyebrow cocked.
“Whatever you say…”
“Charley, for God’s sakes, help me!” I cried, trying to push Sydney off me again. Charley sighed, rubbing his head.
“Ahh… Sydney,” he started, walking over to her, pecking her on the head. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Don’t fuck with me.”
“C’mon, you’re squishing her! And she’s just woke up, give her a break,” he reasoned, tangling his fingers with hers.
“She’s coming to Prom.”
Charley sighed.
“I’ll look like an idiot! I can’t come, anyways, I don’t have a date,” I said stubbornly.
“You could bring Josh. And you don’t need a date!” Sydney argued, poking my cheek.
“But I don’t have a dress!” I cried, looking up at her, almost angry. I did not want to go to Prom.
“We could go shopping for one today. C’mon, Sazzy, you know you want to,” Sydface said, pouting. I raised an eyebrow.
“Fine… I’ll just stay sitting on you until-”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” I said, sighing.
“Yes!” she cried in victory, climbing off me.
“Now get up, we’ve got shopping to do!” she added merrily, skipping out of the room.
I sat up in bed, bringing my knees up to my chest and picking up my cigarettes from the nightstand, offering one to Charley, then lighting one up, passing my lighter over. He sat on the bed next to me, putting the ashtray in between us.
“Hey,” he said, touching my arm quickly, getting my attention.
“I… well, I just – You don’t have to go, you know. I know you’ll probably get bummed out with – without Frank there with you, so…” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded, sighing.
“Thanks, Charley.”
“No problem. And hey, if you don’t go, I’ll tell Syd for you. She won’t hurt me,” he said, grinning. I laughed.
“That’s what you think.”

“Let’s go!” Sydface cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She was dressed in a pair of high-waist shorts and a stripy sleeveless top, seeing as it was hot out. She had a small white long-chained bag hanging from her shoulder, a pair of white pumps on.
“Wait, I’m coming,” I mumbled, finishing off my toast, walking out into the corridor to meet her. I was dressed in a chequered shirt and a pair of shorts, along with a pair of white flats.
I grabbed my bag from the foot of the stairs, pulling out some sunglasses.
“C’mon…” I mumbled, pulling open the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seriously guys, comments? I only get the average 3 or 4 every chapter, and there are 41 of you subscribers. I update really frequently as well, and I’ve got exams; I do take the time out from revising and really mission it out writing out chapters. (I’m really proud of what chapters I do have written up – I’m currently on 47!) So yeah, comments please? I love you, my gorgeous faithful commenters, you make my life.