Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

This Is The Best Day Ever.

It was about to finish soon.
The majority of people had left, leaving the room less packed-out, so you could actually walk around without killing someone or ripping a dress or something.
“Are you alright?” Josh asked, looking down at me. We were dancing to a slow-type song, only because there was simply not much else you could do.
“Yeah… I was just thinking about… about what moments I’ve missed with him, y’know?” I mumbled, placing my head on his chest. I felt him nod, smoothing my hair down.
“Like… the millennium, we didn’t share that together.”
It was July 2000, and I’d spent the millennium new year in my room, sipping on some Jack Daniel’s, watching the fireworks from my window.
“Yeah… but you guys will get through it. Seriously,” he replied soothingly. I looked up at him, an eyebrow raised.
“What are you saying…?” there was a hint of something in his voice, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was… weird.
“Nothing… why?” he asked, his eyes narrowed a little, “are you feeling alright?”
I sighed, shrugging it off.

About a minute later, just when the song finished, the doors burst wide open, letting the light from the lobby of the hotel flood in, stinging my eyes.
“What the fuck…” I looked over at the doors, seeing a black silhouette in the middle. They stepped in hurriedly, the doors left open, creating an angel-like image.
“…No,” I whispered, recognising the shape. I could never forget.
I stepped away from Josh, walking up steadily towards the silhouette, watching as they stiffened, then relaxed. Bright hazel eyes shone in the light.
“I’ve missed you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I’m on a writing roll. I have chapter 48 written up and ready.
Title Credit – This Is The Best Day Ever; My Chemical Romance.