Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

My Way Home Is Through You.

“If your here just for a visit again-”
“No. I’m here, now.”
I’ve missed his voice so much, so close to me.
I let the few tears trickle down my cheeks, feeling his arms wrap around me as he kissed my forehead.
“Frank,” I mumbled, twisting my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me, our lips colliding softly.
“I almost forgot how beautiful you are,” he whispered after he pulled away, his forehead resting on mine, his hands on my hips.
“I love you.” He grinned, his hand running through my hair soothingly.
“Don’t cry…” he mumbled, wiping away the stray tears, a slight frown on his face.
“How did you… what’s going-”
“Later. C’mon, I wanna say hi to the guys,” he said, a small grin to his face. I allowed him to lead me over to our group of friends, who were now chattering rapidly away in a near corner, glasses of wine in hands.
“Frank!” Charley cried, getting up and hugging him tight.
“Sazzy,” Sydney said, hugging me with her free arm.
“Bet your glad I made you come now,” she giggled, grinning.
“What?! You knew?!” I cried, unbelievably shocked.
“Well, kinda. I guess Frank will tell you everything later, but Charley-”
“Sazzy!” Frank called, and I turned, seeing him look at his watch hurriedly.
“We have to leave, come on,” he said, beckoning me over. I excused myself from Sydney, who hugged me again quickly before I made my way towards the guys. Frank laced his hand with mine, squeezing it.
“Where are we-?”
“You’ll see. Bye, guys!” Frank waved at them all, and led me out towards the doors.
“They knew you were coming…?” I said, as we reached the hotel’s exit.
“Yeah… there’s not much time to explain now, babe, so I’ll tell you everything back at the house,” he said, pushing open the door. He stopped suddenly, seeing rain plummet from outside. He let the door shut, turning to me.
“Here…” he took off his denim jacket, and the grey hoodie he was wearing underneath, placing the hoodie around me, and pulling up the hood for me.
“That dress… Fuck, you look so… good,” he mumbled, fiddling with a piece of my hair. I smiled, blushing. He smiled back, placing a soft kiss on my lips. He threw on his denim jacket, before wrapping an arm around me and leading me outside, into the cold.

There was a car running outside, waiting. Frank guided me quickly to it, opening the door for me, and I climbed in, Frank getting in next to me.
I looked ahead at the front, seeing the drivers’ seat and the passengers’ seat occupied.
Her head spun around quickly, her bright eyes shining with excitement.
“Sazzy! Oh, how are you?” she gushed, leaning over as I leant up, hugging her slightly awkwardly due to the fact that she was sitting in the drivers seat.
“I’m great. How are you?” I asked, and she nodded, saying she was fine.
“It’s great to see you again, love.”
I turned my head to the passenger side, seeing Frank’s father sat there, beaming.
“Cheech! You’re here…! How are you?” I said. I was really shocked. I didn’t expect Linda here, let alone Cheech. We hugged, and he explained that he was fine, having been discharged from hospital a few weeks back in full health.

Frank and I sat in the backseat just being together. It felt great… it felt like I was whole, yet again. But this time it was different, because I knew we wouldn’t be split up again – he said that he’s here now. But then I realised how vague that sounded.
“…Are you alright?” Frank whispered in my ear, startling me a little. I could tell he had a smile on his face, even in the darkness. The flickering lights from cars and headlamps confirmed it.
“Yeah… I’m fine,” I whispered back, leaning my head on his shoulder. He squeezed me to him even more, an arm around my shoulders and the other stretching around my stomach, pulling me to him.
The car turned into the driveway of the house, Linda shutting off the engine.
“Come on then, kids,” she said, smiling softly as she got out of the car.
“I aint no kid…” Cheech mumbled, making Frank chuckle. He helped me out, climbing out after me. We walked to the open front door, Frank’s around wrapped tightly around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is fucking bollocks.
Does anyone have The Sims 3? I really want to get it now, but my sister is all like ‘wait for the expansion pack and then borrow the original off a friend’. Easy for her to say, I get bored so easily at home while she’s at school.
P.S. I love you guys, all your comments made me so happy!
Title Credit – My Way Home Is Through You; My Chemical Romance.