Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

Couldn't Take Another Day Inside This Place.

“Why are you all looking so serious?” I asked, my eyebrow arching upwards. We were all sat around the wooden, circular dining table in the kitchen, the sound of rain pattering down on the window echoing around the room. It was kinda freaky.
“We… need to clear up a few things,” Linda said, her hands wrapped around her glass of water. Cheech sat next to her, a serious look on his face. Frank had an arm around my waist, holding me close to him still.
“Like… what?” I mumbled, a little apprehensive. I was freaking out a little – I didn’t know what to expect. Everything seemed so official and daunting.
“You don’t have to get worried, hun. It’s just… well, I don’t know how to start,” Linda said, smiling warmly at me then sighing. She looked at Frank for help.
“I… got accepted at Rutgers University,” Frank muttered, looking down into his lap, “on a scholarship.”
“Frank, that’s great!” I gushed, my eyes wide and my lips stretched into a smile. His gaze was still fixed in his lap, his grip around my waist slack.
Realisation had hit me - Rutgers University. In New Jersey. My eyes stung.
“No… Sazzy, listen to me,” Frank said, his voice slightly desperate as his eyes set on me. My head hung, and I blinked, trying to rid myself of the burning sensation in my eyes, the watery feeling.
“You lied to me.”
“No. No, you have to listen now. It’s not going to be like before anymore,” Frank explained, his hand laced with mine, tugging at it to make me look up at him. Eventually, he placed two fingers under my chin, making me look at him. He wiped under my eyes, noticing the unshed tears.
“We want you to come to New Jersey with us.”
“You what?!” I cried, my eyes widening. He smiled faintly. We heard a small sob, and we turned to Linda and Cheech, remembering that they were there, watching us.
“Y-You are both so… it’s all so romantic!” Linda cried, dabbing at her wet eyes with a crumpled tissue, Cheech looking on at her, fighting a laugh. Linda noticed him, scoffing.
“Don’t be so insensitive! Our son is so romantic, look at him!”
“Well, yeah, he is my son,” Cheech said, grinning widely.
“Mom, Dad!” Frank whined, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pulled down in a frown.
“Sorry, hunnie… so, Sazzy, what do you think?” Linda asked, sniffing.
“I… but…” I didn’t know what to say. I mean, I have my life here, yeah. But when you think about it, what kind of life did I have? My mother wasn’t speaking to me, resulting in lack of family. My friends were all I had here. I was about to switch to a nine-to-five job, and probably try and get into University.
Frank is my… everything.
I don’t think I could carry on without him anymore. Especially when he was right here, willing to take me with him.
“Y-You’ll come?!” Frank asked his eyes wide and excited, beaming into mine. I smiled at him, touching his cheek.
“How could I not?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit – This Is The Best Day Ever; My Chemical Romance.