Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

Heroine Slow.

Linda jumped up, rushing over to us and hugging me and Frank tight, the sound of Cheech laughing pleasant, warming as he hugged us after.
“This is great! I’d have to do a bit of research concerning a student visa for you, Sazzy… that is, if you want to study and go to college,” Linda babbled to herself, as Frank and I smiled at each other stupidly. The glimmer in his eyes was so electric, so captivating that I couldn’t turn away. I wanted to kiss him, feel his lips against mine, but I didn’t want to in front of his parents – I was really aware that they were right there. He knew.
“C’mon…” he mumbled, standing up and pulling me up with him, leaving his Mum and Dad talking about visas and tickets, leading me out of the room quietly and up the stairs.
He turned to me when we were safely in the walls of my room; his eyes still that intense, beautiful green-brown.
“Do you mean it? You’ll come?”
“Of course,” I whispered, feeling his arms snake around my waist, pulling me to him. His hands softly ran up and down my silk dress, stopping at my waist again as he leant forward, our foreheads touching.
“I love you so much,” he whispered, each syllable he uttered letting the warmth of his breath bounce on my mouth, tasting it. I closed the distance between us, letting my lips touch his softly, hungrily as our eyes closed. His tongue ran along my lips slowly, begging entrance. I obliged, our tongues brushing against each other in a fast, eager pace. I felt the wall press against my back, Frank’s hand racing all over my body, one nestled in my hair. I kept my hands in his hair, feeling him moan out as my fingers ran through it.
“Frank! Sazzy!”
Frank groaned against my lips, pulling away softly, almost reluctantly. He smiled at me, his fingers brushing against my cheek. I smiled back, circling my arms around his neck, my head resting against his shoulder.
“I’ve missed you more than ever these last couple of days,” I mumbled, playing absentmindedly with the ends of his hair. He sighed contently into me, and I could tell he’d shut his eyes, not wanting to move.
“I’ve missed you, too. It’s been so hard…” he replied, his hands stroking at my hair, “I like your hair straight.”
“Frank! Sazzy!”
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled, pulling away from me slightly, his arms still around me.
“Yeah?” he called, with a slightly annoyed look on his face.
“Come here for a second,” Linda called back. Frank sighed, pulling away from me.
“Stay here,” he mumbled, kissing me on the lips quickly, flitting out of the room in a ghostly manner.
I was literally dumbstruck for a while. It was like… it hadn’t hit that I was going to New Jersey, to live with them.
I walked over to the bed, sitting down on it and looked down on my hands, seeing them shaking slightly. So much has happened in the past couple of hours, and I suppose I felt… well, too many emotions. It was weird, overwhelming.
“Hey, Sazzy? Mom and Dad are just gonna go out to-” he stopped himself, looking at me sitting on the bed, his eyebrows furrowed. He made is way to me quickly, a slightly worried look on his face. He took my hand in his, pushing back some of my hair from my face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing… I just-”
“Babe, you’re shaking,” he said softly, looking down at my hand, and then squeezing it, “tell me.”
“It just… doesn’t feel real,” I explained in a mumble, diverting from his gaze. He placed a finger under my chin, making me look in his deep, beautiful eyes.
“It is. It’s real, Sazzy. I’m not going anywhere without you anymore. …I love you.”
Even though we say those three words to each other almost everyday, it still feels like with every syllable, that your heart and soul is complete. It feels like your first kiss, it feels like the butterflies on your first date, it feels like… more than life.
I couldn’t help but grin stupidly at him, and he smiled back, brushing away at my hair again, leaning forward and placing his lips on mine. I pulled away after a while, my hand on his chest, seeing him look at me with the most intense gaze ever. I’ve never seen him look so passionate before.
“Frank?” I said, with my other hand on his cheek.
“I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit – Heroine Slow; Pencey Prep.