Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

We're Coming Home Again.

It took her a while to calm down from it all.
Three days.
You could tell it was always dwelling on her mind, always the gloom in the depth of her eyes. It hurt seeing that, it hurt knowing that anything and everything I could and did do wouldn’t make the gloom brighter – the spark wouldn’t brighten to what I remembered them.
She busied herself with packing. She had limited herself to only two big suitcases, and had already filled one with clothing, CD’s and her school stuff. She was going to give all her leftover stuff like her stereo, old clothes and whatever else to Shine, for her to do whatever she wanted to.
Charley, Katie and Sydney had moved out of the house. They were going to anyway – Sydney and Charley moved to Crawley, which is in between London and Brighton for University. Katie had moved in with Josh. She was taking a gap year and he was planning to go to University in a year, so they are in the same place. It made sense for them to live together.
It had been a week since the trip to Shy’s house. Sazzy refused to talk about it anymore, and never spoke about Shy. She couldn’t ever forgive her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, as Sazzy climbed into bed, looking a little edgy.
“Ah… it’s nothing,” she said, pulling up the covers over her, snuggling into my chest.
“What is it?” I asked again, winding an arm around her waist.
“I think my period is late. But it’ll probably come tomorrow,” she explained, then shrugging after. I nodded, burying my face in her hair.
“When was it due?” I asked, running a hand through her hair.
“Today… it’s never late though…” she mumbled, kissing my neck, “night, Frank.”

“Kids!” Mom called from the kitchen. I, Sazzy and Dad were sat in the living room, watching Toy Story. It was airing on TV because Toy Story 2 was due to release later on this year, and there’s a huge hype about it.
“Why does your mother think I’m a kid?!” Dad cried, an eyebrow arched and a mock-offended look on his face.
“Maybe because you’ve been talking about how Toy Story is going to be on all week?” I said, rolling my eyes.
“…Shut up,” he mumbled, a slight smirk to his face, Sazzy giggled.
We traipsed into the kitchen, seeing Mom’s laptop open in front of her, her reading glasses perched on her nose.
“Right, I have flight details in front of me. They’re really cheap, actually. But it leaves in… two weeks.”
She looked around at us, and Dad shrugged. I shifted my weight, feeling a little awkward. I didn’t know if Sazzy would be… ready in two weeks. She looked fine, though.
“That’s okay… right?” Sazzy said quietly, turning to me for support.
“Yeah… will you be alright with that…?” I said, lacing my fingers with hers. She nodded, smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit – Homecoming; Green Day.

EDIT;; Six fucking stars!! I love you guys so much xoxoxo