Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

You’re Lost (In a Labyrinth).

Sazzy’s Point of View
“Sazzy, sit down here, love,” Linda said, tapping the table opposite her, motioning for me to sit. I did, twisting open the cap on a bottle of water.
“…Are you feeling alright?” she asked, a slightly worried expression on her face. I nodded, slightly confused.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why, what’s up?” I asked, sipping from the water.
“You look a little… yellow,” she said, a small smile appearing on her lips.
“Ahh, it’s because my period is late, I think,” I explained, smiling back at her.
“Late? Is it usually late?” she asked, her brow creased.
“No… well, it was once but I think that was because of my weight,” I said, shrugging.
“So your period is never late… but it is now…” she said, tapping her chin, “how late is it?”
“Um… about three or four-” I stopped.
Realisation had hit me, hard. My eyes started to well, and I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. I burst into sobs, Linda looking shocked. She ran around, crouching on the floor next to me.
“What’s wrong, hun? C’mon, please don’t cry…” she said, an arm wrapped around my shoulders.
“Frank!” she cried, and almost in an instant, I was hauled off the chair, Frank hugging me to him.
“What happened?” he asked, his voice sounding muffled to me as I buried my head into his chest, soaking his shirt with tears. Linda’s voice was just the same, but frantic and jumpy. Frank pulled me away slightly, his hands on my cheeks as he looked me in the eyes.
“What is it? It’s just a late period, babe,” he said, confused, his eyebrows narrowed in worry.
“It’s n-not late, Frank. It’s not going to c-come this m-month,” I stuttered, my tears still dripping thick and fast. He didn’t say anything, nor did his expression change.
“Oh, dear Lord,” Linda whispered, her voice shaky, her hand held up to her lips. I looked over at her, her eyes wide and locked on mine. She tore out of the room, picking up her purse off the table on the way out.
“…Please don’t tell me this is about… what I think it is,” Frank mumbled, collapsing on a chair, his head hidden in his hands. I didn’t say anything, but sniffed, wiping at my cheeks. He lifted his head up, stretching his arms out to me. I sat on his lap, letting him wrap his arms around me.
“W-what are we going to do?” I whispered, feeling him rest his head on my shoulder.
For once, he had no answers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit – Labyrinth; Enter Shikari.