Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.


Sazzy’s Point of View
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!” I cried; my mouth stretched into a grin, my hand squeezing Franks’. He smiled at me, kissing me softly on my lips. I grinned wider at him, and he chuckled at me, kissing me again.
“Would passengers please fasten their seatbelts, we are about to take-off.”
I fastened my seatbelt, my fingers fumbling slightly with the excitement. Frank laughed, before reaching over and doing it for me. He was so sweet. Whatever he did for me, he was always wary of my stomach, and always stroked it, occasionally whispering ‘hi, baby!’ He lent over, now, my seatbelt fully buckled, his hand placed on my stomach, which hadn’t shown any signs of swelling yet.
“Hi, baby! You’re gonna fly soon, for the first time,” he cooed, his eyes bright and sparkling, his smile stretched wide. He looked up at me, his beautiful hazel eyes sparkling with the most stunning joy and happiness, it almost made me want to cry.
He frowned slightly, his eyes never loosing the spark.
“…Are you alright?”
“You’re so pretty, Frankie,” I said, stroking his cheek with a thumb. He snorted, breaking into fits of laughter.
“Shut up,” I said, giggling, as he sat up properly, lacing his fingers with mine.
“You’re prettier,” he whispered, his eyes locked on mine as he raised my hand to his lips, pressing them against the skin of my hand.
I have the best boyfriend in theworld universe, I thought, grinning at him. I lent over, kissing him slowly, pulling away after a few seconds, leaning my head on his shoulder. His arm winded around me, his lips pressing against my temple.
“Say adieu to England.”

I looked up at the sign, getting excited again. Frank noticed, laughing quietly.
“Why are you so excited?” he said, pulling me to his side.
“I don’t really know… its like; I’m going to living here… with you!” I said, grinning widely. He smiled, kissing my cheek.
We collected our suitcases, and Cheech got one of those trolley things and we put our suitcases on them. Frank wouldn’t let me lift my ones.

We got home in less than half an hour.
“Sazzy, Frank! Do you want anything to eat?” Linda called from downstairs, and Frank looked over at me, waiting for an answer. I shrugged.
“Yeah, I suppose,” I said, standing up from my spot on the floor. I’d really been eating a lot recently – my appetite had pretty much tripled in size. It had its downfalls; it made me sleepy really easily.
“Yeah, Mom!” Frank called, taking my hand and leading me out of the room, and we trudged down the stairs. I could smell… cake.
“Cake!” I cried, smiling happily. Frank twisted his head, raising an eyebrow at me, laughing when he saw my expression.
Like I expected, when we got to the kitchen, there were cakes everywhere. Well, it seemed like that to me, anyways. There was this big huge, Victoria sponge type of cake in the middle of the dining table, and there were muffins of different kinds on the counter – chocolate chip, blueberry, cherry…
“Jesus Christ!” Frank cried, his wide eyes darting to the cakes.
“What the fuck-”
“Linda, I love you!” I yelled, throwing my arms around her. She giggled, hugging me back.
“Aww, I love you too, hon,” she said, still laughing a little.
“But she can’t possibly eat all these even with the help of us?” Frank asked, dumbstruck.
“Oh, I can,” I said, pulling away from the embrace, sitting at the table and cutting up the cake. Man, I was like, almost dribbling. I placed the slices on the plates, as everyone sat down, taking them. I devoured my cake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit – Adieu; Enter Shikari.