Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

The Sharpest Lives.

We’ve got the basic decoration crap. Was there anything special you wanted? Mikes xo
I thought hard after I read the text. Was there anything special? I thought about the past birthdays we’d spent together, just remembering a lot of alcohol. We’d only ever spent our sixteenths together, now that I think about it.
No, not really. I was gonna go out and get the cake today; xo
He texted back almost immediately;
Okay, that’s cool. Want one of us to come with you? Frank’s got the car, right? Mikes xo
Yeah, he has. I was going to get his Mum to pick me up, but I don’t mind if one of you guys comes with me. It’ll be easier then, you could take it with you? xo
Yeah, that’ll be easier. You wouldn’t mind if my girlfriend came with you? Sounds weird but she’s been dying to meet you. I think it’s a girl thing, but she gets excited because she barely ever sees other girls. Mikes xo
I almost laughed out loud when I read out that text.
Sure, that’ll be cool. She going to pick me up or shall I just meet her somewhere?
She’ll pick you up. She might be coming with another chick. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you… I hope. You’ll like ‘em. Mikes xo
Haha! I’m sure it’ll be fine… in about… half an hour? xo
Sweet. They’ll be there. Mikes xo

“…Sazzy, right?” a tall girl asked. I had to look up at her, though I guessed she wasn’t as tall as Gerard, Mikey or Ray. I nodded, and she practically leaped on me, squishing me into a hug.
“I’m Sophii! Mikey’s pimp,” she said in a hugely comforting and familiar accent.
“You’re English!” I cried, pulling away from the hug.
“Yeah, so are you!” she said, giggling hysterically.
She had short brown hair, her side fringe blonde and sweeping over on her right side, a stud adorning the right side of her lip. Her deep brown eyes were lined in eyeliner, her lashes covered in mascara. She wore a blue chequered shirt with a grey hoodie on top, along with black skinny jeans and a pair of grey converse.
“This is Nyona,” she said, gesturing to a shorter girl, who was about my height. She had soft, brown hair that rested at her shoulders, her side-fringe covering her left eye, a thin, silver headband keeping it in place. Her eyes were very dark brown, lined in black kohl. She wore a Bouncing Souls t-shirt under a red hoodie, along with worn out grey-black skinny jeans and a pair of converse.
“I’m English, too!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sophii, her shirt, jeans and converse.
Nyona, her t-shirt, skinnies and converse.

Title credit – The Sharpest Lives; My Chemical Romance.