Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

Home Alone.

It’s been around a month since I’ve moved in with all my friends, and things are as normal as they can be.
Me and Sydney both got jobs at H&M, which pays pretty good. We get a 40% discount on everything there too, which is pretty damn amazing. Katie got a job at New Look, which is literally across the road from H&M, and she gets a 50% discount, which means no-one gets a shortage of clothes, really. Charley got his so-called ‘dream job’ - working in Starbucks. That’s not exactly a shitty job either; we all get free coffees when his boss doesn’t want to be a dick, which is hardly ever. He works in the branch that’s across from the Churchill Square, which is where H&M is, so we all meet up at our breaks. I love it.
The guy I met on the plane, Josh, is kinda around now. He lives on the other side of town, but because Brighton is quite small, we can easily bump into each other and stuff like that. We meet up quite a lot too. He’s planning on going to Varndean College, which is where Charley, Katie, Sydney and I plan to go. I personally think Katie’s taking quite a shine to him…
I always keep in contact with Frank; we text during the day, and phone whenever either of us are free. Not to mention talking on MSN, too. He got back into Queen of Peace, and quite easily. He hated it, though. He also talked about loads of bands, too. He was in one called Sector 12, but he thought that they were going to split soon. He felt they weren’t getting along right and stuff like that.
I was walking up the hill to get home, and it was pretty dark out. It was around 9-ish, because I had to be one of the six people today to close up, which sucked a little. I got paid extra, though, so I didn’t really mind too much. Sydney went home at 1, because she did the morning shift, so I was alone. It was pretty spooky, actually, because there was only this one street-lamp that worked, and it was halfway up the hill, and it only flickered, as well, so sometimes you were in the dark for about a good three seconds. Three seconds is enough for you to get so scared you think the bus stop might evolve into a giant drunk man and rape you. When I finally got to the door, I practically ran up the few steps and slammed my key into the lock, twisting it open quickly. I closed the door behind me, seeing the house dark and empty.
Great, I thought. You think your gonna get raped outside, and then you come back to a freaky, empty, dark house.
“Charley? Katie?” I called. I knew Sydney wasn’t home; she was staying at her parents’ tonight, and would be back later on. When I heard nothing, I flicked on the light-switch, going around into the living room and flicking the lights on in there and in the kitchen, before making a hot chocolate and dumping my bag on the sofa. I set down my drink on the coffee table in the living room, picking up my black handbag and running upstairs, switching on the hall light, too. I changed out of my grey skinnies, white top and black jacket and into some grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt, throwing up my hair up into a messy bun, before trudging downstairs with my mobile gripped in my hand into the living room. I put on some comedy film that was showing on TV, sitting down and sipping on my drink.
Curiosity got the better of me by the time I finished my hot chocolate, so I picked up my phone and mug, walking over to the kitchen, dialing Charley’s number. The phone was ringing, and I placed my mug in the sink, leaning against the counter as the phone still rung.
“H-Hello?” I heard Charley mutter, almost whispering.
“Charley? Are you okay?” I asked, trying to listen to hear if there was anything in the background. I couldn’t pick up anything familiar.
“Yeah, yeah. Where are you?”
“I’m at home. No one’s here… Is Katie with you?” I asked, confused.
“Oh… No. She’s gone out… somewhere. She’ll be back late… Listen, I got to go…”
“No! Where are you? And don’t tell me nothing’s wrong, because I know there is. I know wh-”
“Sazzy, I have to go. I’ll be back in about twenty.”
The phone made some crackling noises, and then made the tone, signifying that he hung up on me. Wanker.
With nothing do to, I went back into the living room, grabbing a calling card from the box on the coffee table and called Frank.
“…Ah, fuck off, Bruno! Ah… Hello?” I heard Frank sound, before laughing. I smiled.
“Sazzy! Sorry… Bruno’s trying to pull my pants down,” Frank said, before laughing hysterically. “Stop it!”
“Do you want me to call you later?” I asked, giggling.
“No, no… now’s good,” I heard the laughter in the background die down, and some doors shutting, then the flick of a lighter. “How are you? I miss you,” he mumbled, his mood changing drastically.
“I miss you too. I’m alright… What about you?” I asked, lying down on the sofa. I heard him sigh, and I could imagine him leaning against the side of his house, smoking a cigarette.
“It’s not the same here, anymore.”
“…What do you mean?” I asked a little confused.
“It’s not the same anymore… here. I love it here. It’s my fucking favorite place, ever. But now… I’d fucking burn this place down… if I got you.”
My heart plummeted, a lump rising in my throat.
“I… fucking love you, Frank Iero,” I choked, trying to hold back the tears. I needed to be stronger than this.
“I love you too… more than anything. I was thinking…” he trailed off, pausing to puff on his cigarette.
“I want to come back.”
I choked on the lump in my throat, tears streaming down my face.
“B-But your Dad, Frank!” I cried, wiping at my face.
“I know,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
“I just… I don’t know anymore.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I’m going to be an aunty today! Hells yeah!
My older sister is in the hospital right now having a c-section.
Anyways, if you guys have any time and want to read new stories, Sydney’s fucking rock.

Don’t believe me when I tell you,
It’s something unforgivable.
Best friends’ means I pulled the trigger.
Best friends’ means you get what you deserve.