Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

I’ll Go Down With My Friends.

Frank’s Point of View
A lot has happened in the past week.
Sazzy and Donna spent a lot of their time pretty much getting to know each other properly, getting to know each other as a mother and daughter should.
I was happy.
Sazzy finally seemed like she was… whole, again. She was the girl I met all those years ago, the girl that was always happy, full of life and just got what she deserved: a proper family, and a (slightly) normal life.

I was back at college today, so naturally, when I walked through the door, I saw Sazzy, Donna, and Mikey sitting around the table with mugs of hot chocolate. It was pissing it outside, so it was actually quite cold in the house. The heating took a while to get the house warm, so we’d have to find alternatives while we waited for the warmth, like drinking hot drinks, use blankets, and, what Sazzy liked to do most, cuddle up on the sofa with blankets and hot drinks.

“Frankie!” Mikey yelled, in a high, girlie voice as he stood up, leaping on me, making me fall to the ground with him on top of me.
“Ah, Mikey!” I cried, trying to shove him off me, but he clang, giggling.
“Michael James Way, get off of him! He can’t breathe!” Donna said, shaking her head disapprovingly as Sazzy burst into laughter.
“Ah, he’ll be fine,” Sazzy said to her Mom, grinning.

It was kinda weird that the Way’s were kinda like… actual family now. We were all like family anyways, but knowing that they were blood, kind of changed stuff in a weird way. It was like, they were there, to stay, and nothing could change that. I liked it that way, and so did everyone else. It made sense, it fit and it was just… perfect.

I finally pushed Mikey off me successfully, groaning as I rubbed my head from where I hit it on the frame of the front door. I pushed the front door closed, standing up and helping up Mikey.
“Shit, Frank, you’re bleeding!” Mikey cried, as he pulled away his hand from mine, looking down at it. There was blood on my hand and on his.
“Huh…? No, I’m not?” I said, confused. My head felt all hot. Mikey walked around behind me, looking down at the back of my head.
“Shit, I’m so sorry! Your head’s bleeding!”
“No way, don’t lie!” I said, running to the bathroom to check it out in the mirror, and he followed.
“Frank! Frankie, are you alright?” Sazzy called, her voice all tense and stricken, she was panicking.
“I’m fine!” I called back to her, and I heard Donna mumbling profanities under her breath.
“I’m going to kill Michael. I keep telling him to stop mucking around…”
I looked up into the mirror, turning slightly to see a small graze on the back of my head. It wasn’t exactly cut open, it was just a graze.
“Aw, man… how am I gonna wash my hair?” I complained, realising that shampoo would hurt like a bitch. Mikey still looked all pale.
“Don’t worry about it, Mikes, it doesn’t hurt at all,” I said, dabbing at the back of my head with a wad of wet paper towels.
“Really?” he said, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. I nodded, shrugging.
“How the hell did that happen, though…?” I wondered out loud, making a mental note to check out the door.

For the rest of the day, Mikey was really wary. I think it pretty much hit him hard that if he didn’t jump on me, I wouldn’t have got that graze on my head. I told him over and over again that it didn’t matter, and that I was fine, but he kinda still felt bad…
A lot like Sazzy. They’re definitely related.

“Ma! Fucking hell, I didn’t know you’d be here… uh-”
“Gerard! Watch your language!” Donna cried, slapping him around the head as he ducked, trying to avoid it, but her hand came clamping down on him anyways.
“Especially when Marilyn and Dymian come, you can’t swear around them,” Donna said, passing Gerard a box of pizza, “take that into the living room.”
Gerard looked… blank.
“What…?” Sazzy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I- I’m gonna be an uncle…?” he mumbled, dumbstruck.
“Oh, fucking hell. First Frank, now you,” Sazzy said, rolling her eyes. I shot her a look, and she smiled, forcing back her laugh.
“Holy, shit! I’m gonna be an uncle, too! I’m only 20!” Mikey cried from the living room, his voice muffled.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!” Donna complained, with a sigh to her tone, “I swear, these boys!”
“Gee, where’s Ray?” Sazzy asked, grabbing a bottle of coke from the fridge and leading him into the living room.
“…Frank?” Donna whispered softly, and I turned from the washing machine, which I had started, to face her.
“I just want to say… that… well, I just wanted to say, thank you. I mean, without you, I wouldn’t… have Sazzy here with me. And if it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t be who she is today,” she said, a smile creeping up on her lips.
“And… for looking after her, for everything you’re doing. She’s so happy, and I-”
“It’s alright, Donna. She’s… my life. I’d do anything for her, and I… I love her.”
She grinned wider, and crushed me into a hug.
It kinda seemed like everything was… perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy filler-ish chapter…
I kind of wanted to ask you guys a few things regarding this story.
Some of you may know that I’m pretty much done with this, and that I want to get this story over and done with, and put to rest. So as I’ve been writing for this, I’ve kind of hit a dead-end, at chapter 91, meaning that chapter could and might be the end of this story.
But, there is a lot more in the story that can sort of be covered, such as Frank becoming a member of My Chem., Frank and Sazzy getting hitched, ect. But my question is: do you guys really wanna read that? I mean, I’d write it if you want to see the way that I’d portray it or whatever.
But the thing you should know is that I kind of want this story to have (some) realism about it, and when I started this thing almost three years ago (May 2008), I had this idea in my head of a story that could actually happen, if you know what I mean. Not as in, y’know, it all could happen, (who finds their real ‘rents in the town you happen to start a new life in?) but you get my drift. So their wedding will probably be like Jamia’s and his. Though, of course, I know next to nothing about their wedding day, so most of it would be fiction…
So my question is… ending at 91, or well into the 100’s?
Please don’t think that if I do carry on, I’m gonna kind of drag it up. Chapter 92 would probably be a chapter that takes place like… four years later, say.
Anyways, please comment and tell me what you think, and in the next chapter, I will (hopefully) tell you whether or not there will be an ending at 91.
Till Friday xo

I love you guys so much, thank you for that star. We're up at 7 stars now! xoxo

Title credit – You Know What They Do to Guys like Us in Prison; My Chemical Romance.