Status: last chapter has been posted; xoxo

Battling the Loss You Live For.

I Can’t Begin To Let You Know Just What I’m Feeling.

Frank’s Point of View
It was only two weeks until Sazzy’s due date.
Meaning she was exactly nine months pregnant today.
That scared the living fucking daylights out of me. She could give birth at any second, and I’ll become a father.
It was scary, unsettling and made me slightly nauseous just thinking about it.
Sazzy was pretty much ready. She’d get grouchy and irritated if someone even said the words ‘pregnant’ or ‘babies’. She just wanted her pregnancy to end; it had been a long nine months for her.
She had taken her maternity leave off work now, seeing as she was just about ready to… squeeze ‘em out.

“Yeah, babe?” I called back to her, noting the irritated tone that her voice held.
“I… Where are you?!” she called back, her voice an octave higher. I frowned slightly, my eyes still fixed on the textbook in front of me.
“The basement… I’m coming.”
I shoved a piece of scrap paper at my place in the textbook, closing it with a sigh and I walked up the set of stairs up to the hallway, then turning right and walking into the living room. She was sat on the sofa, a frustrated look on her face.
“What’s up?” I asked, sliding on the sofa next to her and winding an arm around her shoulders.
“I fucking hate this! I can’t even pick up the remote off the floor, and I can barely get up to go to the bathroom. If you knock me up again, I swear to god, I will fucking kill you, Frank Iero. I mean it.”
She scared the shit out of me sometimes.
“I will never get you pregnant again. I will always wear a condom. Happy?”” I said, a slight smile finding its way on my face.
“Damn straight!” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, “I miss Ani and Shine already.”

Shine and Ani had left as promptly as they had come.
Their only real reason for visiting was to read out the Will that was relevant to Sazzy, and to give her the things that she should have, such as adoption papers, childhood photos and her inheritance (Shine was a lawyer and a solicitor, so she was the lawyer and solicitor for the whole family, as well as Sazzy’s).
Shy had… given Sazzy some of the money that she had left, which meant that Shine, Shan, Zahra, Sazzy and Ani all get shares of Shy’s money, split equally.
We really were not expecting that at all. Especially the amount we got. I can’t remember exactly how much money it is, but we’re not exactly tight on cash anymore, and can definitely afford to have the twins living a decent life.

“What were you doing in the basement?” Sazzy asked, as I passed her the remote off the floor.
“Studying… where’s Mikey?” I replied, looking up at the clock. He was usually around at about noon, and it was already nearing three.
“He just rang; he’s on his way from Eyeball. He’ll be here in five… babe; you can go back to your studying, I’m sorry I was yelling…” she said, looking down at her lap.
“Aw, it’s alright, sugar. I pretty much finished the chapter.”
“Uncle Mikey is here!”
“Mikes!” Sazzy cried, calling him into the living room.
“So is his whore,” he added, closely followed by an “Ow!”
“He means Gerard.”
They appeared at the door, Mikey sitting on the floor right in front of the television, and Gerard on Sazzy’s other side.
As soon as Gerard sat down, Sazzy’s eyes widened, and she shot up from the sofa.
“What’s happened?” I asked, standing up next to her, an arm around her waist.
“Something doesn’t feel right… I think – motherfucker!” she cried, bending over slightly and clutching at her stomach.
“I need to go to the bathroom, fuck!” she said, her voice hitched and strained. I followed her closely, Gerard and Mikey left in the living room looking confused and worried. I waited outside the bathroom door, hearing Sazzy take a sharp intake of breath.
“Sazzy?” I called. I was so fucking worried, it was unreal.
“Frank, call the ambulance,” she explained, no expression in her tone. The door clicked open, and she held my hand.
“My water’s just broke.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn’t update on Friday, but on that day, my mother passed away. Obviously, I’m deeply depressed.
I don’t exactly have a father or any other guardian or carer living with me and my younger sisters, so… it’s literally me as the head of the three-story house at the moment until the papers get sorted, and I appoint my and my sisters’ legal guardian (Shine).
From now on, I will update this story whenever I have the chance, whenever I get on the computer, seeing as I have a lot more on my plate, and might update early or something.

Title credit – Headfirst For Halos; My Chemical Romance.