‹ Prequel: Moving On
Sequel: My Immortal

It's Not Over

Chapter 18

Sam picked up the phone two days later. Automatically, almost robotic she went about searching for clothes in Jo’s closet. Zacky just laid on the bed watching her, from her movements he knew what had happened. He didn’t get out of bed.

“Sam?” Brian yelled throughout the apartment. Sam didn’t hear him.

“She’s in here,” Zacky yelled. In came Brian followed by Matt, Johnny and Jimmy.

“Sam?” Brian said in a tender voice. She was throwing clothes around.

Jimmy and Johnny sat on the bed looking at the ground, Matt didn’t move from the door way, he was leaning on the door frame with his fingers crossed. “Sam.” Matt’s voice snapped her out of the trance she was in.

“What?” She yelled back at him.

“What are you doing?” Johnny asked.

“There’s so much to do, so many things to get ready, so many people to call,” Sam said under her breath as she found a plain black dress. “Do you think she’s going to like this? I think so, it was her favourite besides sweat pants and jeans, or maybe I should get her the biker outfit but no that one is ruined.”

Brian went and gripped her upper arms. “Brian?” she said as if she had not noticed her was there. She dropped the dress and he gathered her in his arms. Johnny let out a whimper and Jimmy wrapped his arm around him. Matt left the room.

Zacky pulled the covers over himself, he hid from the world. No one said anything. Johnny could be heard sobbing, and Jimmy telling him they were all going to be ok. Are we really? Zacky wondered.

They all pulled out of the trance when Vlad came over. He was so composed but he made everyone snap into shape. Saying, “Life moves on, we’re lucky we knew her and she loved us. She loved all of us.”

Matt called everyone he needed to call off the list. He was yelling at some people who said the ground was too frozen to set up a funeral but he didn’t take no for an answer.

“Alright, let’s get this party started,” Jimmy said going for the liquour cabinet.

“Jimmy what the fuck is wrong with you?” Zacky asked, he had finally got out of bed.

“She made me promise, that I can’t let anyone cry. She hated people crying, so we’re not, we’re going to drink,” Jimmy said getting the JD out and pouring some in a glass, taking a swing and pouring some for everyone else.

“When did she tell you this?” Sam asked, Brian was holding her in his lap on the couch. He was rubbing her back.
“Two days ago, when she told everyone,” Johnny said taking a glass.

“Why didn’t you tell me this?” Sam screamed almost. But Brian calmed her down a little bit.

“Why does it matter?” Matt asked.

“She remembered, everything.” Sam said realizing.

“What?” Zacky was the first one to speak.

“Jo hated people crying, Joana the one that woke up she comforted them. She remembered, that’s why she felt it was necessary to tell everyone goodbye.” Sam started to cry, she buried her face in Brian’s chest.

“No, she said she didn’t,” Zacky said sitting in one of the bar stools his head in his hands.

“It’s so like her,” Vlad said.

“What do you mean?” Matt looked at him raising an eye brow.

“She didn’t want you guys to apologize to her for everything; she didn’t want you thinking about the past but the present. Reason why she didn’t want me to see her, I remember her then morning you guys left, she was so happy about going racing. She realized she was in love, and she was broken at the same time,” everyone stared at him everyone except Zacky.

“She loved you more then you knew,” Vlad said putting his hand on Zacky’s back he looked up at him, with tears in his eyes.

“I love her,” Zacky said.

“I know, and she knew that, now all you can do is move on,” Vlad said.

“But,” Johnny started to say, it didn’t make sense Jo wasn’t even in the ground and he was telling them to move on.

“We’ve had days to prepare for this, that’s why she told us, so we wouldn’t shatter into a million pieces but hold each other together, because at the end of the day we are family,” Jimmy said downing the rest of his glass. “Anyone up for another drink?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Never do this, never write your own death, or aftermath of it.
It's the most painfull and gut retching thing you can ever imagine.
I'm trying so hard not to cry but tears are actually filling my eyes as I write this author's note.
It's hard to think about the things you leave behind when you die.
Thanks for the comments.
thenameisBatman! cause I know you love me.
bloodravyn because you read all of my stories, sorry it doesn't get any better.
love of vengeance because I love the guesses you take, and no I'm not giving anything away anytime soon.
Adie Vixen You'll have to wait and see what shall come.
Tristimoo Thanks a lot.

Even though I don't have a big fanbase you guys do matter to me.